
We Stick to Our Word.

PassExam4Sure guarantees that all of the material in our exam dumps in 100% legit, authentic, and proven. Our exam dumps are gathered by experienced professionals who do not compromise on the quality and authenticity of exam content which you will be getting by paying a small portion of your hard-earned money. We assure our valued customers a full fledge 100% money-back guarantee if they do not find our material helpful in their exams and could not pass their exam certification. We know your money is very valuable for you, and that is why our purpose here is to give you a 100% money-back guarantee with a discount just so you can clear your certification with high grades.

Our Few Limitations:

Here are the few cases in which you will not be able to claim your money fully from PassExam4Sure:

  • You cannot claim a guarantee from us after 90 days from the date you purchase our exam dumps.
  • There is no guarantee for discharged exams.
  • The candidate name needs to be the same as of account holder’s name.
  • You need to study our exam material at least 10 days before your exam.

How to claim your Guarantee?

Our 100% money-back guarantee the procedure is quite simple. We need the following information from your end:

  • Copy of "Enrollment Slip"
  • Copy of your result/score report
  • Exam center name
  • Purchase Transaction ID

Note: For refund you have to submit all the requirements mentioned above within 7 days after the test to support@passexam4sure.com. It will take 24-48 hours in refunding procedure.