PMI PMP Exam Dumps

PMI PMP Exam Dumps

Project Management Professional (2024 Version)

570 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : May 10, 2024
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PMI PMP Sample Questions

Question # 1

A project manager is leading a hybrid project that is building an app for a travel industry startup. Due to unforeseen events, the features and the overall solution will not be useable by many customers due to new travel restrictions. What should the project manager do first? 

A. Release the team and help them achieve their potential on a new project. 
B. Ask the organization's management for advice regarding the project's direction. 
C. Assess the environmental changes and recommend a pivot for the project. 
D. Pause the project if business value cannot be reached and collect lessons learned. 

Question # 2

An organization that embraced agile a couple of years ago is looking for a more efficient way to ensure that the increments produced in each sprint meet the end users’ quality requirements. What should the project lead recommend? 

A. Develop a more comprehensive template for the definition of done (DoD). 
B. Increase the percentage allocated for testing each backlog item. 
C. Organize more frequent sprint reviews with a broader audience. 
D. Establish a quality assurance (QA) team separate from the development team. 

Question # 3

A project manager is leading a cross-departmental project that involves many stakeholders. During the project, the project manager observes that the stakeholders are diverse and have different expectations about how the project should be handled. This leads to frequent confusion and misunderstandings among the stakeholders. What should the project manager do to integrate the diverse stakeholder groups?

A. Advise the team members to focus on project work and avoid getting distracted by the stakeholders’ disagreements. 
B. Hold separate meetings with the individual stakeholders and escalate their concerns to the project sponsor. 
C. Develop a joint quality policy for the project and seek a commitment by all of the departments. 
D. Analyze the probability and impact of the risks linked with the situation and implement the proper response plan. 

Question # 4

A project manager is assigned to work on a complex and innovative project. The technology being used and developed is new and complicated, and most of the stakeholders are unfamiliar with it. Which approach should the project manager use as a servant leader? 

A. Ask stakeholders to find and self-fund education about this new technology. 
B. Allocate resources to provide training about the new technology to the stakeholders. 
C. Contact the project sponsor to get those stakeholders removed from the project. 
D. Escalate the issue with upper management to find a novel solution for this situation. 

Question # 5

A company routinely outsources resources for specific core activities. Due to a sudden, unforeseen risk, all of the team members are needed to work remotely, including the outsourced ones. How can the project manager address this challenge to assure outsourced vendors deliver? 

A. Review the coordination and communication costs with the supplier. 
B. Develop a new strategy for communication and management of resources. 
C. Review the risk management plan for the mitigation activities. 
D. Submit a change request to increase the contingency budget.

Question # 6

In a daily standup meeting, a developer indicates that a backlog item will not be delivered because they need to take an unexpected leave for the next couple of days. The backlog item is a prerequisite for a feature expected by users in the next sprint review. What should the project lead do?

 A. Ask the developer to postpone the leave until the backlog item is delivered. 
B. Ask the development manager to provide a replacement for a couple of days. 
C. Work with the product owner to change the priorities in the sprint backlog.
 D. Work with the product owner to inform the users that the feature is delayed.

Question # 7

A project manager is leading a project that includes several organizations with unique corporate cultures. These diverse corporate cultures are affecting project expectations. The varying expectations often lead to conflicts, which often require the project manager's involvement. What should the project manager do first to evaluate the cultural differences within the organizations? 

A. Establish a probability and impact matrix and plan response criteria. 
B. Disregard the situation since it is not hindering the project deliverables.
 C. Develop a joint policy among the various organizations. 
D. Escalate the issue to the project sponsor and seek their guidance. 

Question # 8

Key decision makers are meeting to define the objectives of a new database migration project. There are many disagreements about scope and time lines among the leaders of various company departments. How should the project manager impartially prioritize the requirements to be integrated? 

A. Retain only requirements that result in profitable revenue growth. 
B. Ensure the CEO selects the requirements from all department leaders. 
C. Give each department a fixed budget that will cover ten requirements. 
D. Rank the requirements with the highest benefit-cost ratio as more important. 

Question # 9

During the early phase of a project, the requirements documentation was not approved. It was identified that the leader of a user party was not included in any of the requirements collection communications. Which of the documents was likely missed or outdated? 

A. Business Documentation 
B. Stakeholder Register 
C. Risk Register 
D. Project Charter 

Question # 10

A consultancy firm is finally selected and contracted for a project following an extensive and competitive procurement process. A few months into project execution, the client asks the project manager why the consultant is contracted for only 18 months instead of the full 32-month-long project. The project manager will need to carry out an unplanned second bidding process to ensure services are in place until the end of the project. What should the project manager have done to prevent this? 

A. Developed a detailed, phased procurement management plan including all activities required and had the client approve it. 
B. Included the client in all negotiation phases with the consultancy to obtain their advanced approval before signing the contract. 
C. Prepared and negotiated a second contract with the consultancy firm for the remaining 14 months after the first contract signature. 
D. Agreed beforehand with the client on the frequency of reporting on the status of the procurement activities within the project. 

Question # 11

Midway through the execution of an agile project, there is a shift in the strategic objectives at the organization level to promote digital transformation. What should the project manager do next? 

A. Prepare a user story to handle the change and assign it to the next iteration. 
B. Escalate to the product owner and cancel the upcoming iterations. 
C. Update the risk-prioritized backlog with the strategic change. 
D. Schedule a meeting with the team to assess the impact of the change. 

Question # 12

All project team members refer to the project manager for various decisions. This causes delays for some tasks, as the project manager is usually preoccupied in meetings throughout the day. What should the project manager do to prevent these delays? 

A. Review the Pareto diagram to identify the source of delays. 
B. Meet with the team in 2 weeks to respond to all of the open tasks.
 C. Consolidate the decision-making authority to remain with the project manager. 
D. Delegate the decision-making authority of some tasks to the team.

Question # 13

A project team member is sick and will not be able to return to the project for a few weeks. During the daily meeting, the team shares their concerns as the sick team member was the only one skilled in the component they were developing. What should the project manager have done to prevent this? 

A. Requested robust documentation for the component's build. 
B. Outsourced development of the specific component to another team. 
C. Acquired more than one resource skilled in each component. 
D. Facilitated cross-functional knowledge transfer during the project. 

Question # 14

A project has completed design activities ahead of schedule. Suddenly, the project manager is informed by a vendor that a deliverable may not meet the agreed delivery time frame due to a resource shortage. The internal team asked if they should continue to deliver as per the schedule. What should the project manager do? 

A. Discuss with the team the need for longer hours to minimize the impact. 
B. Inform the project team that they may proceed at a more relaxed pace. 
C. Inform the project team that some of them will work for the vendor. 
D. Discuss with the project team alternative options to deliver as planned.

Question # 15

In an agile project, the team decided to have a rotating group of facilitators for the daily scrum. Overall, most of the facilitators have grown and done well in this role; however, a few of them tend to run inefficient daily scrums. What should the project manager do next?

 A. Retrain all team members on daily scrum facilitation to ensure there is consistency in the approach. 
B. Ask the facilitators who are doing well to continue and recommend that the others stop facilitating. 
C. Praise the team for self-organizing and growing, then work one-on-one with the facilitators, as needed. 
D. Return to using the scrum master as the facilitator for the daily scrums now that the trial period is over. 

Question # 16

During project implementation, one team finds out that a key project deliverable was not budgeted. What should the project manager do first? 

A. Escalate the issue to the project sponsor for resolution. 
B. Meet with the team to discuss alternatives. 
C. Hold the team accountable and ask for an immediate solution. 
D. Remove the deliverable from the project scope. 

Question # 17

During the execution of a construction project, one of the neighboring businesses is complaining that the current building height does not agree with the initial project plans. What should the project manager do first? 

A. Ask the neighbor to leave the site immediately because the site is on private property. 
B. Inform the neighbor that all of the project documentation has been approved. 
C. Inform the neighbor that the complaint will be escalated to the project sponsor. 
D. Ask the neighbor to submit a formal complaint about their concerns. 

Question # 18

An experienced project manager is leading an enthusiastic team but realizes the team lacks the experience to complete the job successfully. What should the project manager do to reduce the risk of project failure? 

A. Ask the sponsor to add experienced professionals to the team. 
B. Assign a dedicated resource to check the quality of each deliverable. 
C. Approve the appropriate training program for team members. 
D. Provide team members with the necessary coaching and mentoring. 

Question # 19

A project manager is in the process of closing out a project and has been asked by the project management office (PMO) to confirm that the transfer of knowledge to the operations team for support operations has been successfully completed. Which technique should the project manager apply to verify the knowledge transfer?

 A. Brainstorming 
B. Meetings 
C. Regression analysis 
D. Expert judgment

Question # 20

A project manager works for an organization that intends to begin using agile delivery, but there is a lack of support from some business units. The project manager needs to address the lack of trust in agile. What should the project manager recommend? 

A. Implement and establish an agile framework for the project. 
B. Hire a team of contractors for agile project delivery. 
C. Define detailed work instructions for agile project delivery. 
D. Negotiate special arrangements for an agile pilot project. 

Question # 21

A project team is completing a design, while another team in a different country is performing implementation. How should the project manager communicate the design to the implementation team? 

A. Send a detailed email with the completed design document. 
B. Conduct a workshop with all of the stakeholders. 
C. Conduct a workshop with both of the teams. 
D. Upload the design documents into the project repository. 

Question # 22

A few developers have identified a list of impediments at the daily standup and are asking for the project lead's assistance in prioritizing them. There are a few complex backlog items, and a new junior tester has identified a few compliance defects. The product owner and a couple of developers will be leaving the project team, and the contract with the test and production support partner will not be renewed. Which issue should the project lead focus on first? 

A. Developing a new contract for production support. 
B. Finding a new product owner to prioritize the product backlog. 
C. Regulatory compliance issues discussed in the meeting. 
D. Recruiting, onboarding, and training new developers.

Question # 23

An organization is initiating a project that will be using new technology. The complexity of the project requires excellent technical skills. After reviewing the proposed project management plan, the project sponsor asks for options to reduce the labor cost without introducing risk to the project delivery. What should the project manager do first? 

A. Review the risk register and assign functional managers as resources. 
B. Analyze the resource pool and assign internal resources who participated in past projects. 
C. Perform an analysis of the key cost drivers and present alternatives. 
D. Review the work breakdown structure (WBS) to ensure there are adequate resources. 

Question # 24

A major public-transportation construction project is aimed at significantly reducing emissions. The project has been severely delayed due to noncompliance with environmental codes and bylaws. What should the project manager have done to prevent this? 

A. Incorporated sufficient schedule reserves based on similar delays in past projects. 
B. Appointed a senior environmental compliance officer to report directly to the project manager. 
C. Mapped environmental compliance requirements, identified risks to achieving them, and prepared mitigations. 
D. Approached the regulator for a partial waiver in light of the environmental importance of the project. 

Question # 25

A project manager is assigned to a regulatory project for their country. The deadline for delivering results in compliance with the new laws is very tight, and the project team members have not yet been assigned. One of the project manager's peers informs the project manager that a project with the same scope for a different country was completed 1 year ago. What should the project manager do first? 

A. Register a new risk in the risk management plan. 
B. Ask for additional resources and review the project estimate. 
C. Review organizational process assets (OPAs) and perform analogous estimating. 
D. Complete a bottom-up estimation for the project activities. 

Question # 26

The project team is experiencing schedule delays due to issues arising with suppliers. Some of the tasks are on the critical path. What should the project manager do in this situation?

A. Escalate the supplier-related issues to the sponsor for resolution. 
B. Review the work breakdown structure (WBS) with the suppliers. 
C. Review the critical path with the stakeholders to define next steps. 
D. Discuss the critical path issues with the purchasing department. 

Question # 27

Project progress meetings occur via virtual conference calls. In every project progress meeting, one team member continuously interrupts others during discussions. Other team members often have no opportunity to talk or complete their explanations. What should the project manager do? 

A. Speak individually with the team members who do not participate in conversations.
 B. Manage time efficiently using the agenda and ask each participant to contribute. 
C. Speak individually with the team member who always disrupts the conversations. 
D. Start the meeting with a review of the ground rules, meeting objectives, and the agenda.

Question # 28

Project progress meetings occur via virtual conference calls. In every project progress meeting, one team member continuously interrupts others during discussions. Other team members often have no opportunity to talk or complete their explanations. What should the project manager do? 

A. Speak individually with the team members who do not participate in conversations.
 B. Manage time efficiently using the agenda and ask each participant to contribute. 
C. Speak individually with the team member who always disrupts the conversations. 
D. Start the meeting with a review of the ground rules, meeting objectives, and the agenda.

Question # 29

An updated schedule for work delivered by a subcontractor is a condition for a milestone payment. The subcontractor completed the work but does not have a schedule, claiming that work was already agreed upon with the client. What should the project manager do? 

A. Negotiate a contract change with the subcontractor. 
B. Meet with the client to discuss the issue with the subcontractor.
 C. Inform the subcontractor that they must send the schedule. 
D. Tell the subcontractor to submit a draft schedule. 

Question # 30

An organization embarking on a significant transformation initiated a project to improve and document business processes. One of the objectives of the project is to implement agile project delivery. What is the main reason for adopting agile?

A. Projects will be completed faster, saving time and money. 
B. Projects will deliver early and use value based on priority. 
C. Projects will be delivered with very low risk to the organization. 
D. Projects will be delivered with significant cost savings.

Question # 31

An agile project has a broad set of product features intended for different user profiles and usages. It is difficult to define common acceptance criteria that can apply to all the features. How can the project manager ensure that the appropriate acceptance criteria are applied to the features? 

A. Define the acceptance criteria and specific functional test cases only after analyzing the user feedback from testing the early feature release. 
B. Integrate the acceptance criteria review into the definition of ready (DoR) for each feature and associated tests into the feature's definition of done (DoD). 
C. Use the broadest set of acceptance criteria to ensure that all features have a common quality baseline and associated functional test cases.
 D. Integrate the specific tests into the definition of ready (DoR) for each feature and the acceptance criteria into the feature's definition of done (DoD). 

Question # 32

An organization is transitioning to agile delivery, and a new team has been assembled. A project is not going well because the variation of the team velocity is very high and every sprint delivers less than committed. A new project lead with a strong technical background has been assigned to the project. What should the project lead do? 

A. Ask that estimations be provided only by senior developers. 
B. Allocate more time for estimation in the sprint planning. 
C. Review and update the estimations in the daily standup. 
D. Recommend a different estimation method in the retrospective. 

Question # 33

An urgent meeting has been established with the project team to discuss the cause of some quality issues that are preventing delivery to the client. The product owner recommends a root cause analysis (RCA). What should the project lead do?

 A. Facilitate the meeting so anyone can share their ideas and is heard during the session. 
B. Allow the team to self-organize so one of the resources can lead the team to achieve consensus. 
C. Discuss the product owner's recommendations with the team and implement the agreed-on solutions.
 D. Discuss the recommendations with the test manager and request better quality control. 

Question # 34

A project manager was recently assigned to rescue a high-priority project for an Olympic facility. The project is behind schedule, with a heavy contractual penalty. The former project manager had numerous conflicts with the project team members and a few stakeholders. What should the project manager do first? 

A. Review the project schedule and ask for the contingency reserve to crash the project. 
B. Meet the project team and stakeholders to identify the root cause of the issue and develop a solution. 
C. Review the lessons learned register with the former project manager in a private meeting. 
D. Meet the project team to assert authority and reassign the project tasks for a timely delivery.

Question # 35

A construction company is executing a building contract that includes firm milestones for replacing certain components of the building. During execution, the client complains that the new components do not meet the requirements. What should the project manager have done to prevent this from happening? 

A. Defined acceptance criteria in a quality checklist agreed upon before starting the build phase
B. Approved a detailed change management process before starting the build phase 
C. Provided compensation for issues due to the variance in the agreed-upon requirements
 D. Continuously communicated the changes in the work plan and the agreement to the client 

Question # 36

An agile team is developing a new content management system. Some of the team members are struggling to deliver certain features since they have never worked on this type of solution. What should the project manager do? 

A. Replace the members with new members who understand the system. 
B. Encourage the team members to make changes directly in the system.  
C. Ask the team to read through all of the available system documents. 
D. Encourage the team to hold a knowledge-sharing session in each iteration. 

Question # 37

A project manager is leading a large public project that will have a high impact on the town's citizens. How should the project manager define the different requirements? 

A. Include only the common requirements of each stakeholder group in the project goals.
 B. Include only the key requirements and keep the stakeholders informed about scope decisions. 
C. Analyze the interests and influence of stakeholders and evaluate their requirements.
 D. Add only the opinions of the team, because they know the objectives of the project. 

Question # 38

An agile team is required to address a technical, complex requirement that has no visual deliverable to show the customer. What guidance should the product manager provide to improve the requirement development?

 A. Discuss this with the team and reprioritize the backlog to deliver maximum value by including a portion of the complex work. 
B. Reprioritize the product backlog by lowering the priority of the complex activity, so it will be worked on later in the project.
 C. Allow the team to focus and complete the complex work because it will reduce the risk of finding issues later in the project. 
D. Inform the customer that there will not be any deliverable due to the complexity involved in the requirement. 

Question # 39

A project manager is leading a project that needs to be deployed quickly to the market. An influential stakeholder does not believe that the project management processes bring business value. What can the project manager do to gain the support of the stakeholder? 

A. Ask the stakeholder for a meeting to review the project's charter and project management plan.
 B. Disregard the stakeholder's concerns and continue following the project management plan to execute the project.
 C. Hold a training workshop to educate the stakeholder about project management best practices. 
D. Clarify the project roles and responsibilities, and share the purpose to gain the stakeholder's buy-in. 

Question # 40

A project team is planning the next sprint review. The project lead receives an email from a senior manager asking for a project status using a template that is more detailed than the one used for monthly reports sent to the project management office (PMO). The team uses an electronic product backlog and a kanban board to track the progress. What should the project manager do next? 

A. Modify the PMO template to include the information. 
B. Contact the senior manager and discuss their needs. 
C. Give the senior manager access to the product backlog. 
D. Organize a review of the kanban board with the manager. 

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