Adobe AD0-E302 Exam Dumps

Adobe AD0-E302 Exam Dumps

Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner

90 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : October 10, 2024
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Adobe AD0-E302 Sample Questions

Question # 1

On a Friday, A Practitioner decides to send Deliveries on Monday at 8 AM. The deliveries must have the most up-to-date target.What should the Practitioner configure before starting the campaign workflow?

A. extraction date
B. contact date
C. scheduler
D. approval

Question # 2

The number of records out of union is less than intended. Which conclusion should be made?

A. The target is dropping inactive records.
B. The target schemas are NOT the same.
C. The target is dropping exclusions.
D. The target populations are NOT mutually exclusive.

Question # 3

Campaign requirements state that a random selection of 20% of recipients be withheld from the targetingpopulation to receive a different creative treatment in another campaign. How should the business practitionerconfigure the workflow?

A. Use the workflow properties to configure the random sample and it will be posted to the folder
B. Use a query activity to select the random selection and a list update activity to house the sample
C. Use a split activity to select the random sample and a list update activity to house the sample
D. Use a delivery activity to select the random sample and it will be posted the delivery logs

Question # 4

A workflow has a scheduler and default error management.What happens if an error occurs during a run?

A. The scheduler starts another run at the next scheduled time and runs normally.
B. The scheduler does NOT start another run until the workflow is restarted.
C. The scheduler waits 24 hours before starting the next run based on the next scheduled time.
D. The scheduler starts another run at the next scheduled time and the run stops at the activity that had an error previously.

Question # 5

A Practitioner’s team learns that Gmail has modified its spam filtering criteriA.How should the Practitioner use the client console to obtain the percentage of users that have been affected by this change?

A. use "Counters" within "Platform" selection in the Navigation hierarchy
B. use "Aggregates" functionality within Production – Objects created automatically
C. export the list of the recipients to Excel and create a formula to calculate the required percentage
D. filter the Recipient dataset based on emails that contain the string "gmail" and divide by total number ofRecipients

Question # 6

Which three factors can be tested in an email preview prior to executing the delivery? (Choose three.)

A. mirror pages
B. personalization
C. spam score
D. opt-out link

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