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A company is planning a migration of its critical workloads from an on-premises data center to Amazon EC2 instances. The plan includes a new 10 Gbps AWS Direct Connect dedicated connection from the on-premises data center to a VPC that is attached to a transit gateway. The migration must occur over encrypted paths between the on-premises data center and the AWS Cloud. Which solution will meet these requirements while providing the HIGHEST throughput?
A. Configure a public VIF on the Direct Connect connection. Configure an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection to the transit gateway as a VPN attachment.
B. Configure a transit VIF on the Direct Connect connection. Configure an IPsec VPN
connection to an EC2 instance that is running third-party VPN software.
C. Configure MACsec for the Direct Connect connection. Configure a transit VIF to a Direct
Connect gateway that is associated with the transit gateway.
D. Configure a public VIF on the Direct Connect connection. Configure two AWS Site-toSite VPN connections to the transit gateway. Enable equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routing.
A company has created three VPCs: a production VPC, a nonproduction VPC, and a shared services VPC. The production VPC and the nonproduction VPC must each have communication with the shared services VPC. There must be no communication between the production VPC and the nonproduction VPC. A transit gateway is deployed to facilitate communication between VPCs. Which route table configurations on the transit gateway will meet these requirements?
A. Configure a route table with the production and nonproduction VPC attachments
associated with propagated routes for only the shared services VPC. Create an additional
route table with only the shared services VPC attachment associated with propagated
routes from the production and nonproduction VPCs.
B. Configure a route table with the production and nonproduction VPC attachments
associated with propagated routes for each VPC. Create an additional route table with only
the shared services VPC attachment associated with propagated routes from each VPC.
C. Configure a route table with all the VPC attachments associated with propagated routes
for only the shared services VPCreate an additional route table with only the shared
services VPC attachment associated with propagated routes from the production and
nonproduction VPCs.
D. Configure a route table with the production and nonproduction VPC attachments
associated with propagated routes disabled. Create an additional route table with only the
shared services VPC attachment associated with propagated routes from the production
and nonproduction VPCs.
An Australian ecommerce company hosts all of its services in the AWS Cloud and wants to expand its customer base to the United States (US). The company is targeting the western US for the expansion. The company’s existing AWS architecture consists of four AWS accounts with multiple VPCs deployed in the ap-southeast-2 Region. All VPCs are attached to a transit gateway in ap-southeast-2. There are dedicated VPCs for each application service. The company also has VPCs for centralized security features such as proxies, firewalls, and logging. The company plans to duplicate the infrastructure from ap-southeast-2 to the us-west-1 Region. A network engineer must establish connectivity between the various applications in the two Regions. The solution must maximize bandwidth, minimize latency and minimize operational overhead. Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Create VPN attachments between the two transit gateways. Configure the VPN
attachments to use BGP routing between the two transit gateways.
B. Peer the transit gateways in each Region. Configure routing between the two transit gateways for each Region's IP addresses.
C. Create a VPN server in a VPC in each Region. Update the routing to point to the VPN servers for the IP addresses in alternate Regions.
D. Attach the VPCs in us-west-1 to the transit gateway in ap-southeast-2.
A network engineer is designing the architecture for a healthcare company's workload that is moving to the AWS Cloud. All data to and from the on-premises environment must be encrypted in transit. All traffic also must be inspected in the cloud before the traffic is allowed to leave the cloud and travel to the on-premises environment or to the internet. The company will expose components of the workload to the internet so that patients can reserve appointments. The architecture must secure these components and protect them against DDoS attacks. The architecture also must provide protection against financial liability for services that scale out during a DDoS event. Which combination of steps should the network engineer take to meet all these requirements for the workload? (Choose three.)
A. Use Traffic Mirroring to copy all traffic to a fleet of traffic capture appliances.
B. Set up AWS WAF on all network components.
C. Configure an AWS Lambda function to create Deny rules in security groups to block malicious IP addresses.
D. Use AWS Direct Connect with MACsec support for connectivity to the cloud.
E. Use Gateway Load Balancers to insert third-party firewalls for inline traffic inspection.
F. Configure AWS Shield Advanced and ensure that it is configured on all public assets.
A company recently migrated its Amazon EC2 instances to VPC private subnets to satisfy a security compliance requirement. The EC2 instances now use a NAT gateway for internet access. After the migration, some long-running database queries from private EC2 instances to a publicly accessiblethird-party database no longer receive responses. The database query logs reveal that the queries successfully completed after 7 minutes but that the client EC2 instances never received the response. Which configuration change should a network engineer implement to resolve this issue?
A. Configure the NAT gateway timeout to allow connections for up to 600 seconds.
B. Enable enhanced networking on the client EC2 instances.
C. Enable TCP keepalive on the client EC2 instances with a value of less than 300
D. Close idle TCP connections through the NAT gateway.
A global company operates all its non-production environments out of three AWS Regions: eu-west-1, us-east-1, and us-west-1. The company hosts all its production workloads in two on-premises data centers. The company has 60 AWS accounts and each account has two VPCs in each Region. Each VPC has a virtual private gateway where two VPN connections terminate for resilient connectivity to the data centers. The company has 360 VPN tunnels to each data center, resulting in high management overhead. The total VPN throughput for each Region is 500 Mbps.The company wants to migrate the production environments to AWS. The company needs a solution that will simplify the network architecture and allow for future growth. The production environments will generate an additional 2 Gbps of traffic per Region back to the data centers. This traffic will increase over time. Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Set up an AWS Direct Connect connection from each data center to AWS in each
Region. Create and attach private VIFs to a single Direct Connect gateway. Attach the
Direct Connect gateway to all the VPCs. Remove the existing VPN connections that are
attached directly to the virtual private gateways.
B. Create a single transit gateway with VPN connections from each data center. Share the
transit gateway with each account by using AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM).
Attach the transit gateway to each VPC. Remove the existing VPN connections that are
attached directly to the virtual private gateways.
C. Create a transit gateway in each Region with multiple newly commissioned VPN
connections from each data center. Share the transit gateways with each account by using
AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM). In each Region, attach the transit gateway
to each VPRemove the existing VPN connections that are attached directly to the virtual
private gateways.
D. Peer all the VPCs in each Region to a new VPC in each Region that will function as a
centralized transit VPC. Create new VPN connections from each data center to the transit
VPCs. Terminate the original VPN connections that are attached to all the original VPCs.
Retain the new VPN connection to the new transit VPC in each Region.
A company's network engineer is designing an active-passive connection to AWS from two on-premises data centers. The company has set up AWS Direct Connect connections between the on-premises data centers and AWS. From each location, the company is using a transit VIF that connects to a Direct Connect gateway that is associated with a transit gateway. The network engineer must ensure that traffic from AWS to the data centers is routed first to the primary data center. The traffic should be routed to the failover data center only in the case of an outage. Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the primary data center to 7224:7100.
Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the failover data center to 7224:7300
B. Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the primary data center to 7224:7300. Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the failover data center to 7224:7100
C. Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the primary data center to 7224:9300. Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the failover data center to 7224:9100
D. Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the primary data center to 7224:9100. Set the BGP community tag for all prefixes from the failover data center to 7224:9300