CIMA P3 Exam Dumps

CIMA P3 Exam Dumps

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339 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : September 02, 2024
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CIMA P3 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Accpro is a leading tuition provider for professional accountancy qualifications. It has decided to replace its old accountancy software (tuition fee records only) and with a new one. The new system will maintain student records, tuition providers’ fees, exam fee payments, and analysis of information. The new system was purchased from the market and has only been live for just over a week. It was not run in parallel with the old system because Accpro’s finance director deemed that a parallel run would have been too expensive and disruptive to its operations. The head of Accpro’s internal audit department offered to conduct a post-implementation review of the system to confirm that user needs are being satisfied, but Accpro’s finance director declined this offer. He argued that any problems with the new system will quickly become apparent after it goes live. Classify which of the following are limitations of conducting a post-completion audit. Select ALL that apply:

A. Sufficient resources may not be allocated to the task of completing PCA.
B. PCA can be time-consuming and costly to complete.
C. If undertaken by the managers of the project, they may claim credit for all that went well and blame external factors for everything that didn’t.
D. It can be used to blame the directors rather than learn from past mistakes.

Question # 2

Accpro is a leading tuition provider for professional accountancy qualifications. It has decided to replace its old accountancy software (tuition fee records only) with a new one. The new system will maintain student records, tuition providers’ fee, exam fee payments and analysis of information. The new system was purchased from the market and has only been live for just over a week. It was not run in parallel with the old system because Accpro’s finance director deemed that a parallel run would have been too expensive and disruptive to its operations. The head of Accpro’s internal audit department offered to conduct a post-implementation review of the system to confirm that user needs are being satisfied, but Accpro’s finance director declined this offer. He argued that any problems with the new system will quickly become apparent after it goes live. Evaluate the argument put forward by Accpro’s finance director for refusing to have a post-implementation review and identify the statements that support his point of view. Select ALL that apply:

A. This system is too important to the efficient running of Accpro to dispense with a postimplementation review.
B. It is possible that many of the results that would have been obtained from a formal review will come to light if users are dissatisfied.
C. The system is extremely important to Accpro’s operations and its control over cash.
D. The system is a standard package, which reduces the risks of not conducting a review.

Question # 3

Identify which of the following are ADVANTAGES of Post-Completion Audit (PCA). Select ALL that apply:

A. It decreases the frequency of project termination for ‘bad projects’.
B. It improves the quality of decision-making.
C. It abandons all under-performing projects by identifying the reasons for the under-performance.
D. It highlights the reasons for successful projects.
E. It provides a means of improving control mechanisms.

Question # 4

Please fill in the blanks using words from below the text:A post-completion _______ can be defined as an "objective ________ assessment of the success of a capital project in relation to a _______. It covers the whole life of a project and provides feedback to managers to aid the ________ and control of future projects."1: implementation2: control3: completion4: independent5: autonomous6: feasibility7: Plan8: audit

Question # 5

Primed is a private medical college that is constructing a new block to offer additional admission seats for the MBBS qualification. ConstructAll has the contract for constructing the new block in 10 months’ time. Normally such projects take 14 months but ConstructAll has committed to put in extra workforce and finish the work in 10 months. Classes are going to commence by the last week of month 11. The project has no contingency plan. ConstructAll has not given any raises to its employees for two years, so some of them are considering going on strike. Which of the following is/are potential risks to the successful completion of the project? Select ALL that apply:

A. The commencement of classes might be cancelled due to low admissions.
B. The administration of the college may not remain interested in offering increased admissions.
C. 10 months might prove to be an unrealistic deadline commitment.
D. The project may be suspended due to any unforeseen labour strike problem

Question # 6

Eduexc is a public sector university that is constructing a new block for offering additional postgraduate qualifications. The board of directors of the university want to have strict control on the capital expenditure on this large project and have asked the accountant to submit periodic reports on the progress and cost. Which ONE of the following will NOT be data included in a capital expenditure progress and cost report for the new building?

A. Estimated cost to complete and estimated final over- or under-expenditure.
B. Budgeted cost of the project, date started and scheduled completion date.
C. Estimated depreciation method and useful life.
D. Cost and over- or under-expenditure to date.
E. Estimated completion date and details of penalties, if any.

Question # 7

TelNet Co is a leading telecommunications company in country C. It is planning to offer internet services to its customers via a small portable USB device. The management of TelNet commissioned some market research to assess the key design features of the device that customers require. Then, the product design was created and a trial product produced. This trial product has gone into testing for consumer feedback. This activity would take place within which stage of implementation of the new project and its control processes?

A. The conceptual stage
B. The development stage
C. The control stage
D. The operating stage

Question # 8

The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), sometimes called the System Project Life Cycle (SPLC), has six main stages. Place the stages of implementation of a new project in the correct order:1: Review2: Implementation3: Analysis4: Design5: Development6: Planning

Question # 9

BDD is a leading tuition provider for professional accountancy qualifications. One of the critical success factors (CSFs) for BDD is to improve student satisfaction. Mr. Ben, the management accountant and a former student of BDD, is looking to measure its performance in a quantifiable way. Which of the following indicators would BEST suit the CSF identity? Select ALL that apply:

A. Maximization of BDD’s owner’s wealth.
B. A decrease in the monthly number of complaints from students.
C. An increase in positive student feedback.
D. An increase in market share.
E. The number of students.
F. BDD’s gross profit percentage.

Question # 10

What is the meaning of having a satisficing strategy in an organisation?

A. Maximization of shareholders’ wealth
B. Maximization of performance indicators satisfied
C. Maximization of shareholders satisfied
D. Maximization of stakeholders satisfied

Question # 11

Which of the following features can distinguish a not-for-profit organization from profit-maximizing organizations? Select ALL that apply:

A. They do not have external shareholders providing risk capital for the business.
B. They do not distribute dividends, so any profit or surplus that is generated is retained by the business as a further source of capital.
C. Their objectives usually include some social, cultural, philanthropic, welfare or environmental dimension.
D. They offer a product that no other major organisation offers.

Question # 12

Steel Co, a construction company, has won a contract with the government of Country C to build a new train line for within-city commuting. Their aim is to provide high-class travelling facilities to lowincome people. Currently, these people only have the option of using a bus for travelling within the city. However, the opposition party in Country C has protested that the plan is a favour given by the government to Steel Co rather than actually being beneficial to low-income people. Some people will suffer because their land and houses will be damaged or taken over on the construction route. As a result, the government has specified a range of conditions on the contract. Which of the following is the MOST likely to address the needs of less wealthy people if the project is successful?

A. The government will pay the fair value of the property to people whose houses are on the specified train route and will, therefore, be taken over.
B. The train will be fuel-efficient and will have less than half of the carbon emissions of buses accommodating the same number of people.
C. The ticket price charged will be half of the on-going rate for traveling via bus on the same routes.
D. Steel Co will develop the road infrastructure of some prescribed areas of the city at a subsidized price.

Question # 13

What sort of performance measure might be set if a company wishes to measure the quality of its product? Select ONE correct statement:

A. The number of defective products produced.
B. The number of staff leaves.
C. The rate of staff turnover.
D. The profit per unit of product.

Question # 14

Care is public sector hospital. Its directors are working on evaluating its performance and are considering different indicators for this purpose. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE for performance indicators for public sector organisations? Select ALL that apply:

A. The concept of profitability is most important in public sector organizations.
B. Market share can be used as a performance indicator for public sector organizations.
C. Return on assets may not be an appropriate indicator as there may be a difficulty in measuring its value.
D. Public sector entities tend to be risk-averse because of the political repercussions of failure.

Question # 15

Sportco has just completed one year of manufacturing and selling sports goods. Its products are sold through its own stores and online business. The directors of Sportco plan to use return on assets (RoA) as their main performance indicator. Identify the DISADVANTAGES of using return on assets as a performance indicator. Select ALL that apply:

A. RoA is an accounting measure calculated by dividing annual profits by the average net book value of assets.
B. RoA ignores the time value of money.
C. The profit used in the calculation of RoA may be distorted due to the underlying depreciation policy.
D. RoA gives no indication of how the assets were financed.
E. RoA considers the net book value of assets rather than their fair value.

Question # 16

Cap Co manufactures and sells sports goods. Its products are distributed through a multi-channel network comprising of its own stores and online business, franchises and retail partners. The directors of Cap Co use profitability as their main performance indicator. Identify the DISADVANTAGES of using profitability as a performance indicator by Cap Co. Select ALL that apply:

A. It will not provide a systematic explanation as to why one business sector of Cap Co has more favourable prospects than another.
B. It is remote from the actions that create value for Cap Co.
C. The inputs to the measure may vary substantially between Cap Co and its competitors.
D. It does not provide enough insight into the dynamics and balance of Cap Co’s individual business units and the balance between them.

Question # 17

Rose Co manufactures and sells cutlery and kitchen appliances. For many years, it has been recognized as a successful company and has become a household name. The products are distributed through a multi-channel network comprising its own stores and online business, franchises, and retail partners. Identify which of the following is/are financial objectives for Rose Co. Select ALL that apply:

A. Rose Co has a target to increase its return to investors by 20% this year.
B. Rose Co-directors plan to hold the highest market share in the year 20X8.
C. Rose Co wants customer complaints to reduce to half of the current level.
D. Rose Co-directors plan to improve the efficiency of operating cash flows by 15%.

Question # 18

Governments may use interest rates to control inflation.Complete the following sentence for government control of inflation:(Options can be used more than once)Increasing interest rates makes it more ______for profit-making entities to borrow. It also makes borrowing more ________ for consumers, who then have less to spend. This will help to push prices _________ .1: down2: up3: expensive4: cost-saving

Question # 19

Which ONE of the following is NOT a key characteristic of not-for-profit organizations?

A. Revenue orientation for different customers.
B. Operate for purposes other than to provide goods or services at a profit.
C. Transparency in the organization’s mission and finances.
D. Receive significant contributions from providers who do not expect returns.

Question # 20

Which ONE of the following is NOT an example of ways natural monopolies are regulated to ensure that the public are not the victims of the monopoly power these companies?

A. Disallowing them from making products with higher profit margins.
B. Capping the selling process.
C. Taxing super-profits.
D. Applying a limit to the profits these organisations are allowed to make.

Question # 21

Please fill in the blanks:A value for money audit is defined as a/an ________into whether proper arrangements have been made for securing _______, efficiency and ________ in the use of ______ .1: economy2: research3: resources4: effectiveness5: funds6: audit7: investigation

Question # 22

Star Airport is situated in country A and its board of directors has produced a development plan. The plan relates to the development of Star Airport and its forecast passenger growth for the next two decades. The board proposes that future development of the airport will be phased and gradual in order to avoid unexpected consequences for the local communities and industry. Classify the following as financial and non-financial objectives for Star Airport:Reduce the visual and audible impacts of the operation of the airport on the local environment to a minimum Ensure that gearing levels do not exceed 30% Improve land-based access to the airport Ensure that the airport does not run at a loss Increase employment opportunities for people living close to the airport

Question # 23

The Highway Company (THC) was considering two options for a new highway connecting two cities. Route 1 involved cutting a channel through an area designated as being of special importance because it is the natural habitat of the national animal, now considered an endangered species. The alternative was Route 2, which would involve the compulsory purchase and destruction of Mr. Dan’s factory. Mr. Dan threatened legal action if Route 2 was chosen as it would cause significant damage to his business and loss of jobs for 100 employees. On the other hand, a local environmental pressure group, ‘Endangered Species’, was outraged at the plan to choose Route 1. It criticized THC for ignoring the sustainability implications of the decision and accused the company of profiting at the expense of the environment. The project for Route 1 has a higher NPV than Route 2. THC is having trouble selecting the final route for the new highway.Which of the following statements concerning stakeholders of THC is/are CORRECT? Select ALL that apply.

A. All of THC’s shareholders would be impartial to both routes as long as the route is profitable.
B. THC’s shareholders will be unanimously in favour of the construction of Route 1.
C. THC is likely to have a poor reputation with environmental activists already, so investment in Route 2 is unlikely to damage it any further.
D. If THC chooses Route 1, it would be less sustainable but more favourable to shareholders and the stakeholders in the factory.

Question # 24

The finance ministry of country D is analyzing the impacts of an increase in the inflation rate from 5% to 11% within 3 years. So far they have considered the following trends as a result of this inflation. Which of the following is/are a TRUE reflection of the inflation rate changes taking place in the economy?

A. Some manufacturing organizations have decreased their prices because the demand for products has lowered.
B. As a result of the increase in inflation and therefore the interest rate, the demand for borrowing has increased.
C. The lower exchange rate resulting from high inflation has lowered export prices

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