Cisco 300-510 Exam Dumps

Cisco 300-510 Exam Dumps

Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions

214 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : September 02, 2024
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Cisco 300-510 Sample Questions

Question # 1

An engineer is troubleshooting slow performance issues on a customer’s network after the last multicast configuration change was applied on it While checking the running configuration on the router the engineer notices there are many ip igmp join-group commands applied on several interfaces of the router which caused the high CPU utilization usage. What action must the engineer take to solve this issue? 

A. Configure ip igmp static-group command on all interfaces  
B. Remove ip igmp join-group command on all unnecessary interfaces  
C. Configure all router interfaces to be process-switched by increasing the query interval  
D. Remove unnecessary members from the IGMP group  

Question # 2

For which reason do you deploy BGP confederations within a BGP transit backbone? 

A. to support a larger number of eBGP peer sessions  
B. to increase the number of routes that can be redistributed between the running IGP and BGP 
C. to reduce the number of eBGP routes that must be shared between autonomous systems 
D. to reduce the number of iBGP peering sessions  

Question # 3

Explanation: Some level of load balancing is achieved by default as BGP prefers shortest AS_PATH for certain prefix (Cisco BGP path selection algorithm - rule 4) . If 1-7 rules gives no preference for certain prefix then with rule 8. Prefer lowest IGP metric to BGP next hop we can force traffic to R2 or R3 influencing load distribution.

A. commit the configuration  
B. roll back the configuration  
C. merge the configuration  
D. save the running configuration  

Question # 4

In a PIM-SM environment, which mechanism determines the traffic that a receiver receives?

A. The receiver explicitly requests its desired traffic from the RP on the shared tree.  
B. The receiver explicitly requests traffic from a single source, which responds by forwarding all traffic. 
C. The RP on the shared tree floods traffic out of all PIM configured interfaces.  
D. The receiver explicitly requests traffic from each desired source, which responds by sending all traffic. 

Question # 5

Which two differences should be considered when deciding whether to implement to implement routing policies or route maps? (Choose two.)

A. Sequences are added after implementing a route map, but routing policies must be reconfigured when change is needed.
B. Route maps are implemented using hierarchical policies, but routing policies must be implemented sequentially
C. Route maps require an explicit deny at the end of the sequence, but routing policies have an implicit deny at the end of the program.
D. Route policies require sequence numbers, but route maps are implemented without sequencing. 
E. Route maps are supported in Cisco 10S Software and routing policies are supported in Cisco IOS XR Software. 

Question # 6

A network operator working for a telecommunication company with an employee id: 4074:92:707 is planning to implement the Nonstop Forwarding (NSR) feature on the customer’s core network. After getting the configuration ready for NSR. on which router should the operator implement NSR changes? 

A. on the CE router  
B. on the ASBR router  
C. on the ABR router  
D. on the PE router  

Question # 7

A network consultant is troubleshooting IS-IS instances to identify why a routing domains is having communication problems between the two instances. Which description of the possible cause of issues in the routing domain is true?

A. The same interface cannot be advertised in two different IS-IS instances  
B. The IS-IS “ISP” and “ISP2” instances are unrelated and unable to intercommunicate  
C. The configured IS-IS NSEL value is not allowing the routing systems to establish a neighborship 
D. The interface mode ip router is-is command was not included in the script  

Question # 8

Which cost is the default when redistributing routes from BGP to OSPF? 

A. 20  
B. 1  
C. infinite  
D. automatic  

Question # 9

What can be used to determine a path from the head-end to a tail-end router when implementing SR-TE with a head-end, with little information on the network topology?

A. traffic controller  
B. path computation engine  
C. tail-end router  
D. SNMP server  

Question # 10

What is the role of segment routing mapping server? 

A. It advertises a local SID mapping policy to all the mapping clients.  
B. It works with IGP instances to calculate the prefix-SIDs in the absence of a mapping policy
C. It selects multiple mapping entries to create overlapping active mapping policies.  
D. It reads and translates remotely received SIDs from other mapping servers to create SID mapping entries.

Question # 11

A network engineer is troubleshooting OSPF multiarea. Which Cisco IOS XR feature should the engineer use in order to streamline OSPF issue? 

A. hierarchical CLI 
B. routing process enabled by default on all interfaces  
C. DR support for topology management  
D. show lp ospf topology command  

Question # 12

You have configured routing policies on a Cisco IOS XR device with routing policy language. Which two statements about the routing policies are true? (Choose two.)

A. The routing policies affect BGP-related routes only.  
B. If you make edits to an existing routing policy without pasting the full policy into the CLI, the previous policy is overwritten.
C. You can change an existing routing policy by editing individual statements.  
D. The routing policies are implemented in a sequential manner.  
E. The routing policies are implemented using route maps.  

Question # 13

Which task is performed when troubleshooting LDP? 

A. Execute the ping utility to generate information about the MAC addresses used along the path
B. Verify that MPLS is disabled globally and enabled on the necessary interfaces in a perinterface basis 
C. Execute the traceroute utility to generate information about the labels used along the path 
C. Execute the traceroute utility to generate information about the labels used along the path 

Question # 14

What are three requirements for a static IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel? (Choose three.) 

A. A static IPv6 address must be configured.  
B. A dynamic IPv6 address must be configured.  
C. Cisco Express Forwarding must be enabled.  
D. Each tunnel endpoint must support IPv4 and IPv6.  
E. A static IPv4 address must be configured.  
F. A dynamic IPv4 address must be configured.  

Question # 15

Which two conditions must be met before separate ISPs can provide interdomain multicast routing? (Choose two.)

A. Each ISP must configure MSDP to connect its individual multicast administrative domain to the domains at other ISPs. 
B. Each ISP must dedicate a single router to handle multicast traffic between providers.  
C. Each ISP must replace its RP assignment with a global RP.  
D. Each ISP must configure its network to use PIM-DM.  
E. Each ISP must support intradomain multicast routing.  

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