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A security engineer needs to configure a network discovery policy on a Cisco FMC appliance and prevent excessive network discovery events from overloading the FMC database? Which action must be taken to accomplish this task?
A. Change the network discovery method to TCP/SYN.
B. Configure NetFlow exporters for monitored networks.
C. Monitor only the default IPv4 and IPv6 network ranges.
D. Exclude load balancers and NAT devices in the policy.
Which action must be taken on the Cisco FMC when a packet bypass is configured in case the Snort engine is down or a packet takes too long to process?
A. Enable Inspect Local Router Traffic
B. Enable Automatic Application Bypass
C. Configure Fastpath rules to bypass inspection
D. Add a Bypass Threshold policy for failures
An engineer must deploy a Cisco FTD appliance via Cisco FMC to span a network segment to detect malware and threats. When setting the Cisco FTD interface mode, which sequence of actions meets this requirement?
A. Set to passive, and configure an access control policy with an intrusion policy and a file
policy defined
B. Set to passive, and configure an access control policy with a prefilter policy defined
C. Set to none, and configure an access control policy with a prefilter policy defined
D. Set to none, and configure an access control policy with an intrusion policy and a file policy defined
A security engineer is adding three Cisco FTD devices to a Cisco FMC. Two of the devices have successfully registered to the Cisco FMC. The device that is unable to register is located behind a router that translates all outbound traffic to the router's WAN IP address. Which two steps are required for this device to register to the Cisco FMC? (Choose two.)
A. Reconfigure the Cisco FMC lo use the device's private IP address instead of the WAN
B. Configure a NAT ID on both the Cisco FMC and the device.
C. Add the port number being used for PAT on the router to the device's IP address in the Cisco FMC.
D. Reconfigure the Cisco FMC to use the device's hostname instead of IP address.
E. Remove the IP address defined for the device in the Cisco FMC.
A security engineer is adding three Cisco FTD devices to a Cisco FMC. Two of the devices have successfully registered to the Cisco FMC. The device that is unable to register is located behind a router that translates all outbound traffic to the router's WAN IP address. Which two steps are required for this device to register to the Cisco FMC? (Choose two.)
A. Reconfigure the Cisco FMC lo use the device's private IP address instead of the WAN address.
B. Configure a NAT ID on both the Cisco FMC and the device.
C. Add the port number being used for PAT on the router to the device's IP address in the Cisco FMC.
D. Reconfigure the Cisco FMC to use the device's hostname instead of IP address.
E. Remove the IP address defined for the device in the Cisco FMC.
An engineer is configuring multiple Cisco FTD appliances (or use in the network. Which rule must the engineer follow while defining interface objects in Cisco FMC for use with interfaces across multiple devices?
A. An interface cannot belong to a security zone and an interface group
B. Interface groups can contain multiple interface types
C. Interface groups can contain interfaces from many devices.
D. Two security zones can contain the same interface
An engineer needs to configure remote storage on Cisco FMC. Configuration backups must be available from a secure location on the network for disaster recovery. Reports need to back up to a shared location that auditors can access with their Active Directory logins. Which strategy must the engineer use to meet these objectives?
A. Use SMB for backups and NFS for reports.
B. Use NFS for both backups and reports.
C. Use SMB for both backups and reports.
D. Use SSH for backups and NFS for reports.
An engineer wants to perform a packet capture on the Cisco FTD to confirm that the host using IP address 192 168.100.100 has the MAC address of 0042 7734.103 to help troubleshoot a connectivity issue What is the correct tcpdump command syntax to ensure that the MAC address appears in the packet capture output?
A. -nm src
B. -ne src
C. -w capture.pcap -s 1518 host mac
D. -w capture.pcap -s 1518 host ether
A network security engineer must export packet captures from the Cisco FMC web browser while troubleshooting an issue. When navigating to the address https:///capture/CAPI/pcap/test.pcap. an error 403: Forbidden is given instead of the PCAP file. Which action must the engineer take to resolve this issue?
A. Disable the HTTPS server and use HTTP instead.
B. Enable the HTTPS server for the device platform policy.
C. Disable the proxy setting on the browser.
D. Use the Cisco FTD IP address as the proxy server setting on the browser.
An engineer must configure a Cisco FMC dashboard in a multidomain deployment Which action must the engineer take to edit a report template from an ancestor domain?
A. Add it as a separate widget.
B. Copy it to the current domain
C. Assign themselves ownership of it
D. Change the document attributes.
An organization is installing a new Cisco FTD appliance in the network. An engineer is tasked with configuring access between two network segments within the same IP subnet. Which step is needed to accomplish this task?
A. Assign an IP address to the Bridge Virtual Interface.
B. Permit BPDU packets to prevent loops.
C. Specify a name for the bridge group.
D. Add a separate bridge group for each segment.
What must be implemented on Cisco Firepower to allow multiple logical devices on a single physical device to have access to external hosts?
A. Add at least two container instances from the same module.
B. Set up a cluster control link between all logical devices
C. Add one shared management interface on all logical devices.
D. Define VLAN subinterfaces for each logical device.
An engineer must configure the firewall to monitor traffic within a single subnet without increasing the hop count of that traffic. How would the engineer achieve this?
A. Configure Cisco Firepower as a transparent firewall
B. Set up Cisco Firepower as managed by Cisco FDM
C. Configure Cisco Firepower in FXOS monitor only mode.
D. Set up Cisco Firepower in intrusion prevention mode
An administrator needs to configure Cisco FMC to send a notification email when a data transfer larger than 10 MB is initiated from an internal host outside of standard business hours. Which Cisco FMC feature must be configured to accomplish this task?
A. file and malware policy
B. application detector
C. intrusion policy
D. correlation policy
An engineer is configuring a cisco FTD appliance in IPS-only mode and needs to utilize failto-wire interfaces. Which interface mode should be used to meet these requirements?
A. transparent
B. routed
C. passive
D. inline set
When a Cisco FTD device is configured in transparent firewall mode, on which two interface types can an IP address be configured? (Choose two.)
A. Diagnostic
B. EtherChannel
C. BVI D. Physical
E. Subinterface
A Cisco FMC administrator wants to configure fastpathing of trusted network traffic to increase performance. In which type of policy would the administrator configure this feature?
A. Identity policy
B. Prefilter policy
C. Network Analysis policy
D. Intrusion policy
An engineer is troubleshooting HTTP traffic to a web server using the packet capture tool on Cisco FMC. When reviewing the captures, the engineer notices that there are a lot of packets that are not sourced from or destined to the web server being captured. How can the engineer reduce the strain of capturing packets for irrelevant traffic on the Cisco FTD device?
A. Use the host filter in the packet capture to capture traffic to or from a specific host.
B. Redirect the packet capture output to a .pcap file that can be opened with Wireshark.
C. Use the -c option to restrict the packet capture to only the first 100 packets.
D. Use an access-list within the packet capture to permit only HTTP traffic to and from the web server.
Which firewall design will allow It to forward traffic at layers 2 and 3 for the same subnet?
A. Cisco Firepower Threat Defense mode
B. routed mode
C. Integrated routing and bridging
D. transparent mode
An engineer is setting up a remote access VPN on a Cisco FTD device and wants to define which traffic gets sent over the VPN tunnel. Which named object type in Cisco FMC must be used to accomplish this task?
A. split tunnel
B. crypto map
C. access list
D. route map
An engineer defines a new rule while configuring an Access Control Policy. After deploying the policy, the rule is not working as expected and the hit counters associated with the rule are showing zero. What is causing this error?
A. Logging is not enabled for the rule.
B. The rule was not enabled after being created.
C. The wrong source interface for Snort was selected in the rule.
D. An incorrect application signature was used in the rule.
A security engineer must integrate an external feed containing STIX/TAXII data with Cisco FMC. Which feature must be enabled on the Cisco FMC to support this connection?
A. Cisco Success Network
B. Cisco Secure Endpoint Integration
C. Threat Intelligence Director
D. Security Intelligence Feeds
An organization is implementing Cisco FTD using transparent mode in the network. Which rule in the default Access Control Policy ensures that this deployment does not create a loop in the network?
A. ARP inspection is enabled by default.
B. Multicast and broadcast packets are denied by default.
C. STP BPDU packets are allowed by default.
D. ARP packets are allowed by default.