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An IT administrator is reviewing all the servers in an organization and notices that a server is missing crucial practice against a recent exploit that could gain root access.Which of the following describes the administrator’s discovery?
A. A vulnerability
B. A threat
C. A breach
D. A risk
A security architect for a large, multinational manufacturer needs to design and implement a security solution to monitor traffic.When designing the solution, which of the following threats should the security architect focus on to prevent attacks against the network?
A. Packets that are the wrong size or length
B. Use of any non-DNP3 communication on a DNP3 port
C. Multiple solicited responses over time
D. Application of an unsupported encryption algorithm
A company was recently infected by malware. During the root cause analysis. the company determined that several users were installing their own applications. TO prevent further compromises, the company has decided it will only allow authorized applications to run on its systems. Which Of the following should the company implement?
A. Signing
B. Access control
D. Permit listing
A company is looking to fortify its cybersecurity defenses and is focusing on its network infrastructure. The solution cannot affect the availability of the company’s services to ensure false positives do not drop legitimate traffic.Which of the following would satisfy the requirement?
D. Reverse proxy
A company recently acquired a SaaS provider and needs to integrate its platform into the company's existing infrastructure without impact to the customer's experience. The SaaS provider does not have a mature security program A recent vulnerability scan of the SaaS provider's systems shows multiple critical vulnerabilities attributed to very old and outdated Oss. Which of the following solutions would prevent these vulnerabilities from being introduced into the company's existing infrastructure?
A. Segment the systems to reduce the attack surface if an attack occurs
B. Migrate the services to new systems with a supported and patched OS.
C. Patch the systems to the latest versions of the existing OSs
D. Install anti-malware. HIPS, and host-based firewalls on each of the systems
An energy company is required to report the average pressure of natural gas used over the past quarter. A PLC sends data to a historian server that creates the required reports.Which of the following historian server locations will allow the business to get the required reports in an and IT environment?
A. In the environment, use a VPN from the IT environment into the environment.
B. In the environment, allow IT traffic into the environment.
C. In the IT environment, allow PLCs to send data from the environment to the IT environment.
D. Use a screened subnet between the and IT environments.
A help desk technician just informed the security department that a user downloaded a suspicious file from internet explorer last night. The user confirmed accessing all the files and folders before going home from work. the next morning, the user was no longer able to boot the system and was presented a screen with a phone number. The technician then tries to boot the computer using wake-on-LAN, but the system would not come up. which of the following explains why the computer would not boot?
A. The operating system was corrupted.
B. SElinux was in enforced status.
C. A secure boot violation occurred..
D. The disk was encrypted
A security architect is implementing a web application that uses a database back end. Prior to the production, the architect is concerned about the possibility of XSS attacks and wants to identify security controls that could be put in place to prevent these attacks.Which of the following sources could the architect consult to address this security concern?
A security analyst is validating the MAC policy on a set of Android devices. The policy was written to ensure non-critical applications are unable to access certain resources. When reviewing dmesg, the analyst notes many entries such as:Despite the deny message, this action was still permit following is the MOST likely fix for this issue?
A. Add the objects of concern to the default context.
B. Set the devices to enforcing
C. Create separate domain and context files for irc.
D. Rebuild the policy, reinstall, and test.
An enterprise is deploying APIs that utilize a private key and a public key to ensure the connection string is protected. To connect to the API, customers must use the private key.Which of the following would BEST secure the REST API connection to the database while preventing the use of a hard-coded string in the request string?
A. Implement a VPN for all APIs.
B. Sign the key with DSA.
C. Deploy MFA for the service accounts.
D. Utilize HMAC for the keys.
Ann, a CIRT member, is conducting incident response activities on a network that consists of several hundred virtual servers and thousands of endpoints and users. The network generates more than 10,000 log messages per second. The enterprise belong to a large, web-based cryptocurrency startup, Ann has distilled the relevant information into an easily digestible report for executive management . However, she still needs to collect evidence of the intrusion that caused the incident. Which of the following should Ann use to gather the required information?
A. Traffic interceptor log analysis
B. Log reduction and visualization tools
C. Proof of work analysis
D. Ledger analysis software
A company hired a third party to develop software as part of its strategy to be quicker to market. The company’s policy outlines the following requirements:The credentials used to publish production software to the container registry should be stored in a secure location.Access should be restricted to the pipeline service account, without the ability for the thirdparty developer to read the credentials directly.Which of the following would be the BEST recommendation for storing and monitoring access to these shared credentials?
B. Local secure password file
D. Key vault
A business stores personal client data of individuals residing in the EU in order to process requests for mortgage loan approvals.Which of the following does the business’s IT manager need to consider?
A. The availability of personal data
B. The right to personal data erasure
C. The company’s annual revenue
D. The language of the web application
Immediately following the report of a potential breach, a security engineer creates a forensic image of the server in question as part of the organization incident response procedure. Which of the must occur to ensure the integrity of the image?
A. The image must be password protected against changes.
B. A hash value of the image must be computed.
C. The disk containing the image must be placed in a seated container.
D. A duplicate copy of the image must be maintained
A company provides guest WiFi access to the internet and physically separates the guest network from the company’s internal WIFI. Due to a recent incident in which an attacker gained access to the company’s intend WIFI, the company plans to configure WPA2 Enterprise in an EAP- TLS configuration. Which of the following must be installed on authorized hosts for this new configuration to work properly?
A. Active Directory OPOs
B. PKI certificates
C. Host-based firewall
D. NAC persistent agent
A security engineer estimates the company’s popular web application experiences 100 attempted breaches per day. In the past four years, the company’s data has been breached two times.Which of the following should the engineer report as the ARO for successful breaches?
A. 0.5
B. 8
C. 50
D. 36,500
An organization is preparing to migrate its production environment systems from an on premises environment to a cloud service. The lead security architect is concerned that the organization's current methods for addressing risk may not be possible in the cloud environment.Which of the following BEST describes the reason why traditional methods of addressing risk may not be possible in the cloud?
A. Migrating operations assumes the acceptance of all risk.
B. Cloud providers are unable to avoid risk.
C. Specific risks cannot be transferred to the cloud provider.
D. Risks to data in the cloud cannot be mitigated.
The Chief information Officer (CIO) wants to implement enterprise mobility throughout the organization. The goal is to allow employees access to company resources. However the CIO wants the ability to enforce configuration settings, manage data, and manage both company-owned and personal devices. Which of the following should the CIO implement to achieve this goal?
A company is outsourcing to an MSSP that performs managed detection and response services. The MSSP requires a server to be placed inside the network as a log aggregate and allows remote access to MSSP analyst. Critical devices send logs to the log aggregator, where data is stored for 12 months locally before being archived to a multitenant cloud. The data is then sent from the log aggregate to a public IP address in the MSSP datacenter for analysis. A security engineer is concerned about the security of the solution and notes the following.* The critical devise send cleartext logs to the aggregator.* The log aggregator utilize full disk encryption.* The log aggregator sends to the analysis server via port 80.* MSSP analysis utilize an SSL VPN with MFA to access the log aggregator remotely.* The data is compressed and encrypted prior to being achieved in the cloud.Which of the following should be the engineer’s GREATEST concern?
A. Hardware vulnerabilities introduced by the log aggregate server
B. Network bridging from a remote access VPN
C. Encryption of data in transit
D. Multinancy and data remnants in the cloud
A SOC analyst is reviewing malicious activity on an external, exposed web server. During the investigation, the analyst determines specific traffic is not being logged, and there is no visibility from the WAF for the web application.Which of the following is the MOST likely cause?
A. The user agent client is not compatible with the WAF.
B. A certificate on the WAF is expired.
C. HTTP traffic is not forwarding to HTTPS to decrypt.
D. Old, vulnerable cipher suites are still being used.
A security analyst sees that a hacker has discovered some keys and they are being made available on a public website. The security analyst is then able to successfully decrypt the data using the keys from the website. Which of the following should the security analyst recommend to protect the affected data?
A. Key rotation
B. Key revocation
C. Key escrow
D. Zeroization
E. Cryptographic obfuscation
A company's finance department acquired a new payment system that exports data to an unencrypted file on the system. The company implemented controls on the file so only appropriate personnel are allowed access. Which of the following risk techniques did the department use in this situation?
A. Accept
B. Avoid
C. Transfer
D. Mitigate
An enterprise is undergoing an audit to review change management activities when promoting code to production. The audit reveals the following:• Some developers can directly publish code to the production environment.• Static code reviews are performed adequately.• Vulnerability scanning occurs on a regularly scheduled basis per policy.Which of the following should be noted as a recommendation within the audit report?
A. Implement short maintenance windows.
B. Perform periodic account reviews.
C. Implement job rotation.
D. Improve separation of duties.
A municipal department receives telemetry data from a third-party provider The server collecting telemetry sits in the municipal departments screened network and accepts connections from the third party over HTTPS. The daemon has a code execution vulnerability from a lack of input sanitization of out-of-bound messages, and therefore, the cybersecurity engineers would like to Implement nsk mitigations. Which of the following actions, if combined, would BEST prevent exploitation of this vulnerability? (Select TWO).
A. Implementing a TLS inspection proxy on-path to enable monitoring and policy
B. Creating a Linux namespace on the telemetry server and adding to it the servicing HTTP
C. Installing and configuring filesystem integrity monitoring service on the telemetry server
D. Implementing an EDR and alert on Identified privilege escalation attempts to the SIEM
E. Subscribing to a UTM service that enforces privacy controls between the internal network and the screened subnet
F. Using the published data schema to monitor and block off nominal telemetry messages
A network architect is designing a new SD-WAN architecture to connect all local sites to a central hub site. The hub is then responsible for redirecting traffic to public cloud and datacenter applications. The SD-WAN routers are managed through a SaaS, and the same security policy is applied to staff whether working in the office or at a remote location. The main requirements are the following:1. The network supports core applications that have 99.99% uptime.2. Configuration updates to the SD-WAN routers can only be initiated from the management service.3. Documents downloaded from websites must be scanned for malware.Which of the following solutions should the network architect implement to meet the requirements?
A. Reverse proxy, stateful firewalls, and VPNs at the local sites
B. IDSs, WAFs, and forward proxy IDS
C. DoS protection at the hub site, mutual certificate authentication, and cloud proxy
D. IPSs at the hub, Layer 4 firewalls, and DLP
A company processes data subject to NDAs with partners that define the processing and storage constraints for the covered data. The agreements currently do not permit moving the covered data to the cloud, and the company would like to renegotiate the terms of the agreements.Which of the following would MOST likely help the company gain consensus to move the data to the cloud?
A. Designing data protection schemes to mitigate the risk of loss due to multitenancy
B. Implementing redundant stores and services across diverse CSPs for high availability
C. Emulating OS and hardware architectures to blur operations from CSP view
D. Purchasing managed FIM services to alert on detected modifications to covered data
A technician is reviewing the logs and notices a large number of files were transferred to remote sites over the course of three months. This activity then stopped. The files were transferred via TLS-protected HTTP sessions from systems that do not send traffic to those sites.The technician will define this threat as:
A. a decrypting RSA using obsolete and weakened encryption attack.
B. a zero-day attack.
C. an advanced persistent threat.
D. an on-path attack.
Which of the following is the MOST important security objective when applying cryptography to control messages that tell an ICS how much electrical power to output?
A. Importing the availability of messages
B. Ensuring non-repudiation of messages
C. Enforcing protocol conformance for messages
D. Assuring the integrity of messages
A company has decided to purchase a license for software that is used to operate a mission-critical process. The third-party developer is new to the industry but is delivering what the company needs at this time. Which of the following BEST describes the reason why utilizing a source code escrow will reduce the operational risk to the company if the third party stops supporting the application?
A. The company will have access to the latest version to continue development.
B. The company will be able to force the third-party developer to continue support.
C. The company will be able to manage the third-party developer’s development process.
D. The company will be paid by the third-party developer to hire a new development team.
The Chief information Officer (CIO) of a large bank, which uses multiple third-party organizations to deliver a service, is concerned about the handling and security of customer data by the parties. Which of the following should be implemented to BEST manage the risk?
A. Establish a review committee that assesses the importance of suppliers and ranks them
according to contract renewals. At the time of contract renewal, incorporate designs and
operational controls into the contracts and a right-to-audit clause. Regularly assess the
supplier’s post-contract renewal with a dedicated risk management team.
B. Establish a team using members from first line risk, the business unit, and vendor
management to assess only design security controls of all suppliers. Store findings from
the reviews in a database for all other business units and risk teams to reference.
C. Establish an audit program that regularly reviews all suppliers regardless of the data
they access, how they access the data, and the type of data, Review all design and
operational controls based on best practice standard and report the finding back to upper
D. Establish a governance program that rates suppliers based on their access to data, the
type of data, and how they access the data Assign key controls that are reviewed and
managed based on the supplier’s rating. Report finding units that rely on the suppliers and
the various risk teams.
A company based in the United States holds insurance details of EU citizens. Which of the following must be adhered to when processing EU citizens' personal, private, and confidential data?
A. The principle of lawful, fair, and transparent processing
B. The right to be forgotten principle of personal data erasure requests
C. The non-repudiation and deniability principle
D. The principle of encryption, obfuscation, and data masking