CWNP CWNA-107 Exam Dumps

CWNP CWNA-107 Exam Dumps

Certified Wireless Network Administrator

156 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : September 10, 2024
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CWNP CWNA-107 Sample Questions

Question # 1

What security solution is deprecated in the 802.11 standard and should never be used in any modern WLAN deployment?

B. Shared Key Authentication
D. Open System Authentication

Question # 2

Which one of the following channels can be used for VHT transmissions?

A. 44
B. 1
C. 7
D. 13

Question # 3

What ID is typically mapped to an AP’s MAC address if a single BSS is implemented?

C. Device ID

Question # 4

Which IEEE 802.11 physical layer (PHY) specification includes support for and compatibility with both ERP and HR/DSSS?

A. VHT (802.11ac)
B. OFDM (802.11a)
C. DSSS (802.11-Prime)
D. HT (802.11n)

Question # 5

ABC Company is planning to install a new 802.11ac WLAN, but wants to upgrade its wired infrastructure first to provide the best user experience possible. ABC Company has hired you to perform the RF site survey.During the interview with the network manager, you are told that the new Ethernet edge switches will support VoIP phones and 802.11 access points, both using 802.3 PoE.After hearing this information, what immediate concerns do you note?

A. The power budget in the edge switches must be carefully planned and monitored based on the number of supported PoE devices.
B. The edge Ethernet switches should support Ether-channel to get the best results out of the network.
C. VoIP phones and 802.11 access points should not be powered by the same edge switch due to distortion.
D. If the switches are in optimal locations for VoIP phones, they are likely to be suboptimal locations for 802.11 APs

Question # 6

What factor will have the most significant impact on the amount of wireless throughput available to each station within a BSS?

A. The Layer 3 protocol used by each station to transmit data over the wireless link
B. The number of client stations associated to the BSS
C. The power management settings in the access point beacons
D. The presence of co-located (10m away) access points on non-overlapping channels

Question # 7

You were previously onsite at XYZ’s facility to conduct a pre-deployment RF site survey. The WLAN has been deployed according to your recommendations and you are onsite again to perform a post-deployment validation survey.When performing this type of post-deployment RF site survey voice over Wi-Fi, what is an action that must be performed?

A. Spectrum analysis to locate and identify RF interference sources.
B. Frequency-band hopping analysis to detect improper RF channel implementations.
C. Protocol analysis to discover channel use on neighboring APs.
D. Application analysis with an active phone call on an VoWiFi handset.

Question # 8

You are reporting on the RF environment in your facility. The manager asks you do describe the noise floor noted on the report. Which of the following is the best explanation?

A. The energy radiated by flooring materials that causes interference in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.
B. The noise caused by elevators, microwave ovens, and video transmitters.
C. The RF energy that exists in the environment from intentional and unintentional RF radiators that forms the baseline above which the Intentional signal of your WLAN must exist.
D. The extra energy radiated by access points and client devices beyond that intended for the signal.

Question # 9

What statement describes the authorization component of a AAA implementation?

A. Validating client device credentials against a database.
B. Implementing a WIPS as a full-time monitoring solution to enforce policies.
C. Granting access to specific network services or resources according to a user profile.
D. Verifying that a user is who he says he is.

Question # 10

You are troubleshooting a client problem with a 2.4 GHz WLAN connection. The client is experiencing surprisingly low data rates during the work day. You analyze the workspace outside of business hours and detect a strong signal with a typical noise floor at the client location. During working hours, the user works with a laptop in the area and uses an external USB hard drive for continuous data access. The user also states that the laptop works as expected on her home network. The user working approximately 8 feet away from this client experiences no problems.Based on this information, what is the likely cause of the problem?

A. The laptop has a failing wireless adapter
B. the AP is overloaded during the work day
C. The external hard drive is USB 3.0 and is causing a significant increase in the noise floor when in use
D. The drives in the laptop are corrupt

Question # 11

A string of characters and digits is entered into an AP a client STA for WPA2 security. The string is 8 characters long. What is this string called?

B. WEP key
C. Passphrase

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