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Debugging and Testing are key activities in the software development lifecycle.Which of the following are 'Debugging' activities?a) Identifying, a failureb) Locating the cause of failurec) Fixing the defectd) Checking the fix has resolved the failure
A. a & d
B. a & b
C. b & c
D. c & d
A new testing tool has been selected for an organisation and a pilot project has successfully completed. The next step is to deploy the tool within the organization What is a key success factor in tool deployment?
A. Estimate a cost-benefit ratio based on a firm business case
B. Determine whether benefits will be achieved at reasonable cost
C. Provide support for the test team using the tool
D. Assessment of organisational maturity, strengths and weaknesses
A booking system for a city bus service prices its fares according to the time of travel:• Peak-time tariff starts at 0600 and finishes at 1000 am• Off-peak tariff applies during all other times of service• The bus service does not operate between 2300 and the start of the next day’s peakserviceNote that all times mentioned are inclusive.When applying the equivalence partitioning test design technique, which of the followingoptions, shows test case inputs that each fall into a different equivalence partition?
A. 0600, 1000, 1200
B. 1001, 1300, 2259
C. 0100, 0800, 2200
D. 2400, 1000, 2301
In the above State Table, which of the following represents an invalid transition?Which of the following would achieve the HIGHEST level of testing independence for aproject's test level?
A. Training developers to design good tests for the test team to execute
B. Outsourcing test design and execution to a different company
C. Having the company's independent test team design and execute the tests
D. Minimising contact between testers and developers during test design to avoid bias
Which of the following would you NOT expect to see on an incident report from testexecution?
A. The version(s) of the software under test
B. The test execution schedule
C. Expected results and actual results
D. Precise steps to reproduce the problem
You are examining a document which gives the precise steps needed in order to execute a test. What is the correct definition of this document?
A. Test design specification
B. Test condition
C. Test procedure specification
D. Test case specification
Which of the following does NOT represent one of the three triggers for maintenancetesting an operational system?
A. Data migration
B. System retirement
C. System modification
D. Introduction of a test management tool
When can functional and structural testing BOTH be applied?
A. System and Component test levels only
B. All 'Developement' test levels, i.e. those before Acceptance testing
C. Component and Component integration test levels only
D. All test levels
Your company is developing a system with complex business rules and many branches in the structure of its code components. You need to choose one black box technique and one white box technique for test case design. Which one of the following offers the BEST choice?
A. Statement testing and exploratory testing
B. Decision testing and equivalence partitioning
C. Decision testing and decision table testing
D. Boundary value analysis and decision table testing
During the development of a software change for a system, the developer makes a mistakein his work, which leads to a fault in the code. Unfortunately the fault is not found bysoftware testing and is released into live.What is the definite consequence of this mistake?
A. The system will fail, causing a defect
B. If the defect is executed, the system may fail
C. Loss of money, time, or business reputation
D. Contractual requirements have not been met by testing
Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of testing?
A. Preventing defects from being introduced into the code
B. Investigating and fixing defects in the software under test
C. Gaining confidence that the system is fit-for-purpose
D. Providing information for stakeholders’ decision making
A live defect has been found where a code component fails to release memory after it hasfinished using it.Which of the following tools would have been the MOST effective at detecting this defectprior to live implementation?
A. Dynamic analysis tool
B. Monitoring tool
C. Configuration management tool
D. Coverage measurement tool
Testing effort can depend on a number of factors, which one of following is MOST likely to impact the amount of effort required?
A. The predicted number of defects and the amount of rework required
B. The ratio of developers to testers in the project team
C. The planned use of a project management tool to schedule tasks
D. The responsibilities for testers and developers being clearly defined
Which option BEST describes how the level of risk is determined?
A. The likelihood of an adverse event happening multiplied by the cost of preventing it
B. The consequences of a potential problem multiplied by the cost of possible legal action
C. The impact of an adverse event multiplied by the likelihood of that event occurring
D. The likelihood and the probability of a hazard occurring
A system is being enhanced to simplify screen navigation for users.Which of the following does NOT reflect structural testing?
A. To test all paths that users could take through the screen menu system
B. To ensure that 100% decision testing is achieved for each system component
C. To test all branches of component calls within the application call graph
D. To ensure that users can navigate to all fields on the screen
Which of the following is a Black Box test design technique?
A. Decision Coverage
B. Error Guessing
C. Statement Coverage
D. Equivalence Partitioning
Which of the following is NOT a valid use of decision coverage?
A. Checking that all decisions have been exercised in a single program
B. Checking that all decisions have been exercised in a business process
C. Checking that all calls from one program module to another have been made correctly
D. Checking that at least 50% of decisions have been exercised by a test case suite
Which one of the following statements about testing techniques is TRUE?
A. Exploratory testing can replace black box techniques when testing time is very limited
B. Test execution scheduling should give priority to experienced based testing
C. Specification based techniques can be used as a substitute for a poorly defined testbasis
D. Experienced based techniques are systematic and produce detailed test documentation
Which of the following represents good testing practice for testers, irrespective of thesoftware lifecycle model used?
A. They should start test analysis when the corresponding development level is complete
B. They should be involved in reviewing requirements or user stories as soon as drafts areavailable
C. They should ensure that the same test objectives apply to each test level
D. They should minimize the ratio of development levels to test levels to reduce projectcosts
Which of the following is a defect that is more likely to be found by a static analysis toolthan by other testing techniques?
A. Omission of a major requirement
B. Inadequate decision coverage
C. Component memory leakage
D. Variables that are not used improperly declared
Which of the following is a white-box test technique?
A. Decision table testing
B. Exploratory testing
C. Statement testing
D. Error guessing
Which of the following type of defect would NOT be typically found by using a staticanalysis tool?
A. A variable is defined but is then not used
B. A variable is used in a calculation before it is defined
C. A variable has the wrong numeric value passed into it
D. A variable is used but not declared
When considering the roles of test leader and tester, which of the following tasks wouldNOT typically be performed by a tester?
A. Prepare and acquire the test data
B. Set up and check the test environment
C. Write test summary reports
D. Review tests developed by others
During which stage of the fundamental test process is the testability of requirementsevaluated?
A. Test Implementation and Execution
B. Test Planning and Control
C. Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting
D. Test Analysis and Design