Oracle 1z0-062 Exam Dumps

Oracle 1z0-062 Exam Dumps

Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration

379 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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Oracle 1z0-062 Sample Questions

Question # 1

When is the UNDO_RETENTION parameter value ignored by a transaction?

A. when there are multiple undo tablespaces available in a database
B. when the data file of the undo tablespace is autoextensible
C. when the undo tablespace is of a fixed size and retention guarantee is not enabled
D. when Flashback Database is enabled

Question # 2

Which two services may you see on the My Service Dashboard page? (Choose two.) 

A. Network Cloud Service 
B. User Cloud Service 
C. Compute Cloud Service 

Question # 3

You are managing an Oracle Database 12c database. The database is open, and you plan to perform Recovery Manager (RMAN) backups.   Which three statements are true about these backups? (Choose three.)

A. The backups would be consistent.
 B. The backups would be possible only if the database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode.
C. The backups need to be restored and the database has to be recovered in case of a media failure.
D. The backups would be inconsistent.
E. The backups by default consist of all the data blocks within the chosen files or the full database

Question # 4

The HR.DEPARTMENTS table is the parent of the HR.EMPLOYEES table. The EMPLOYEES.DEPARTMENT_ID column has a foreign key constraint with the ON DELETE CASCADE option that refers to the DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_ID column. An index exists on the DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_ID column. A transaction deletes a primary key in the DEPARTMENTS table, which has child rows in the EMPLOYEES table. Which statement is true? 

A. The transaction acquires a table lock only on the DEPARTMENTS table until the transaction is complete. 
B. The transaction acquires a table lock on the DEPARTMENTS table. This lock enables other sessions to query but not update the DEPARTMENTS table until the transaction on the DEPARTMENTS table is complete.
C. The transaction acquires a table lock on the EMPLOYEES table. This lock enables other sessions to query but not update the EMPLOYEES table until the transaction on the DEPARTMENTS table is complete.

Question # 5

Which three statements are true about server-generated alerts? (Choose three.) 

A. Server-generated alerts notify administrators of problems that cannot be resolved automatically
B. Alerts are not issued for locally managed read-only tablespaces. 
C. Response actions cannot be specified for server-generated alerts. 
D. Stateful alerts can be queried only from the DBA_ALERT_HISTORY view. 
E. When an alert is cleared, it is moved to the DBA_ALERT_HISTORY view. 

Question # 6

Your database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. You want to take a consistent whole database backup.   Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)

A. The user-managed backup consists of only formatted data blocks.
 B. The database must be shut down to take a user-managed backup.
 C. The RMAN backup contains only data files.
 D. The RMAN backup can be performed while the database is open.
 E. The database must be in MOUNT state to take RMAN backup.

Question # 7

Because of a logical corruption in the EMPLOYES tables, you want to perform Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery (TSPITR) to recover the table. Before you started the TSPITR process, you queried the TS_PITR_CHECK view and you realized that the table has a referential constraint with DEPARTMENTS that exists in another tablespace, MASTERTBS. Which two actions will permit the TSPITR to work? (Choose two.)

A. Taking the MASTERTBS tablespace offline 
B. Dropping the relationship between the tables 
C. Adding the MASTERTBS tablespace to the recovery set 

Question # 8

Which statement is true about the loss of a data file belonging to the default undo tablespace?

A. The database remains open in read-only mode.
 B. The database is put in MOUNT state and requires recovery to be opened.
 C. The database remains open for querying but no DML statements can be executed except by the users with SYSDBA privilege.
D. All the noncommitted transactions are lost.
 E. The database instance aborts.

Question # 9

In your database, archive logging and control file autobackup are enabled. The data files and redo log files are intact but control files are impacted due to media failure. In which two recovery scenarios must you use the RESETLOGS option? (Choose two.) 

A. One control file copy is intact so the spfile is changed to refer to only one copy. 
B. One control file copy is intact and damaged control file copies have to be restored to the default location.
C. All copies of the control file are damaged and the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement is executed manually.
D. All copies of the control file are damaged and the auto backed up control file is used for recovery

Question # 10

Which three statements are true about Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)? (Choose three.)

A. An AWR snapshot shows the SQL statements that are producing the highest load on the system, based on criteria such as elapsed time and CPU time.
B. AWR data is stored in memory and in a database.
 C. All AWR tables belong to the SYSTEM schema.
 D. The manageability monitor (MMON) process gathers statistics and creates an AWR snapshot that is used by the self-tuning components in a database.
 E. An AWR snapshot contains system-wide tracing and logging information. 

Question # 11

You want execution of large database operations to suspend, and then resume, in the event of space allocation failures. You set the value of the initialization parameter RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT to 3600. Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)

A. Before a statement executes in resumable mode, the ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE statement must be issued in its session.
B. Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations are resumable, provided that they are not embedded in a PL/SQL block
C. A resumable statement can be suspended and resumed only once during execution.
D. A suspended statement will report an error if no corrective action has taken place during a timeout period.

Question # 12

Examine the details of the uncompressed, non-partitioned heap table CITIES. Examine the command: SQL> ALTER TABLE cities SHRINK SPACE COMPACT; What must you do before executing it? 

A. Ensure free space that is approximately equal to the space used by the table should be available.
B. Ensure there are no pending transactions on the table. 
C. Enable row movement is enabled. 

Question # 13

Your database is configured for ARCHIVELOG mode, and a daily full database backup is taken. RMAN is configured to perform control file autobackup. In which three scenarios do you need media recovery? (Choose three.) 

A. loss of all the copies of the control file 
B. loss of all the inactive online redo log group members 
C. loss of a data file that belongs to the active undo tablespace 
D. loss of data files that belong to the SYSTEM tablespace 

Question # 14

What must you use to read data from a table in your database and write it to an external table?

A. Use SQL* LOADER conventional path load. 
B. Use SQL* LOADER direct path load. 

Question # 15

Which two statements are true about SQL *Loader Express Mode in an Oracle 12c database? (Choose two.)

A. The DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM parameter is set to AUTO.
 B. You cannot have multiple SQL *Loader data files.
 C. If no data file is specified, it assumes the data file to be <table-name>.dat in the current directory and uses it.
 D. You can have multiple bad files created when loading in parallel.
 E. You can selectively load rows into a table based on a filter.

Question # 16

Which four statements are true about the components of the Oracle Scheduler? (Choose four.)

A. A schedule can be specified to a single job only. 
B. A scheduler job can point to a chain instead of pointing to a single program object. 
C. A job may get started automatically when a window opens. 
D. A program and job can be specified as part of a schedule definition. 
E. A job is specified as part of a program specification. 
F. A program can be used in the definition of multiple jobs. 
G. A program and schedule can be specified as part of a job definition. 

Question # 17

Examine the command:   SQL> CONNECT hr/hr@orcl   Which two configurations allow this command to execute successfully? (Choose two.)

A. In the tnsnames.ora file, the SERVICE_NAME value of CONNECT_DATA should be explicitly suffixed with the domain name.
 B. The SERVICE_NAMES initialization parameter should contain the name orcl in the database host.
 C. The orcl TNS alias should be defined such that it is resolvable by a client running on the database host.
 D. The orcl TNS alias should be defined in the tnsnames.ora file on both the client and the database host.
 E. The TNS_ADMIN environment variable should be set to orcl on the client. 

Question # 18

When is the UNDO_RETENTION parameter value ignored by a transaction?

A. when there are multiple undo tablespaces available in a database 
B. when the data file of the undo tablespace is autoextensible 
C. when the undo tablespace is of a fixed size and retention guarantee is not enabled 

Question # 19

To enable faster incremental backups, you enabled block change tracking for the database. Which two statements are true about the block change tracking file? (Choose two.)

A. Multiple change tracking files can be created for a database. 
B. The change tracking file must be created after the first level 0 backup. 
C. RMAN does not support backup and recovery of the change tracking file. 
D. The database clears the change tracking file and starts tracking changes again, after whole database restore and recovery operations. 

Question # 20

Which set of statements is true about data dictionary views?   1. They are stored in the SYSTEM tablespace.  2. They are based on virtual tables.  3. They are owned by the SYS user.  4. They can be queried by a normal user only if the 07_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY parameter is set to TRUE.  5. The V$FIXED_TABLE view can be queried to list the names of these views.  6. They are owned by the SYSTEM user.

A. 2, 5, and 6
B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 2, 3, 4, and 5

Question # 21

Which files must you copy from the Oracle home of the database that is being upgraded to the new Oracle home for Oracle Database 12c? (Choose three.)

A. the tnsnames.ora file 
B. the sqlnet.ora file 
C. the initialization parameter file 
D. the password file 
E. the listener.ora file 

Question # 22

Which three statements are true about the upgrade process? (Choose three.)

A. All system triggers are disabled during the upgrade process. 
B. Only queries on fixed views execute without errors until you run the catctl.pl script. 
C. The COMPATIBLE parameter must be set to at least 12.1.0 before issuing the command
D. All job queues remain active during the upgrade process. 
E. Only connections AS SYSDBA are allowed during the upgrade process. 

Question # 23

Your database supports an online transaction processing (OLTP) workload in which one of the applications creates a temporary table for a session and performs transactions on it. This consumes a lot of undo tablespace and generates lots of redo.   Which two actions would you take to solve this problem? (Choose two.)

A. Increase the size of the temporary tablespace.
B. Enable Automatic Memory Management (AMM).
C. Enable undo retention guarantee.
D. Enable temporary undo for the database.
E. Increase the size of the redo log buffer.

Question # 24

Your database has archive logging enabled and RMAN backups are taken at regular intervals. A data file in the USERS tablespace is damaged. Which command must you execute before starting the recovery of this tablespace?


Question # 25

You create a locally managed tablespace ORDERS_TBS with automatic segment management. You then create the table DAILY_ORDS_LST in the ORDERS_TBS tablespace using the command. CREATE TABLE daily_ords_1st(ordno NUMBER, ord_date DATE) PCTFREE 20; How does the PCTFREE storage parameter influence data storage for this table?

A. It allows only 80% of space to be occupied in all data blocks of this table. 
B. It minimizes row chaining during row insertion. 
C. It minimizes row migration during existing row data updation. 

Question # 26

Which two statements are true about Oracle network connections? (Choose two.) 

A. A listener may listen on behalf of only one database instance at a time. 
B. A server process checks a user’s authentication credentials and creates a session if the credentials are valid.
C. The listener continuously monitors a connection after the user process connects to a service handler.
D. The listener always spawns a new server process to deal with each new connection. 
E. A connection request from a client is always first received by a listener running on the port that is used for the connection request for the database server.

Question # 27

What is pre-requisite to alter a role?

A. You should be granted the DBA role
B. You should set the OS_ROLES parameter to true. 
C. You should be granted the role with the GRANT OPTION.
D. You should have the ALTER ANY ROLE system privilege.

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