Oracle 1z0-082 Exam Dumps

Oracle 1z0-082 Exam Dumps

Oracle Database Administration I

142 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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Oracle 1z0-082 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which three statements are true about the tools used to configure Oracle Net Services? (Choose three.)  

A. The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant is only used when running the Oracle installer
B. Oracle Net Manager can be used to centrally configure listeners on any database servertarget
C. The lsnrctl utility requires a listener.ora file to exist before it is started
D. Oracle Net Manager can be used to locally configure naming methods on a databaseserver
E. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control can be used to centrally configure listeners on anymanaged database server
F. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control can be used to centrally configure net service namesfor any database server target 

Question # 2

In your data center, Oracle Managed Files (OMF) is used for all databases.All tablespaces are smallfile tablespaces.SALES_Q1 is a permanent user-defined tablespace in the SALES database.Examine this command which is about to be issued by a DBA logged in to the SALESdatabase:ALTER TABLESPACE sales_q1 ADD DATAFILE;Which are two actions, either one of which you could take to ensure that the commandexecutes successfully? (Choose two.)

A. Ensure that DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST each specifywith at least 50 Mb of available space.
B. Specify a path in the DATAFILE clause of the command specifying a location with atleast 100M of available space.
C. Ensure that DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST specifies a location with at least 100 Mb ofavailable space.
D. Add the AUTOEXTEND ON clause with NEXT set to 100M.
E. Ensure that DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST each specifylocations with at least 50 Mb of available space. 

Question # 3

In which three situations does a new transaction always start? (Choose three.) 

A. when issuing a SELECT FOR UPDATE statement after a CREATE TABLE AS SELECTstatement was issued in the same session
B. when issuing a TRUNCATE statement after a SELECT statement was issued in thesame session
C. when issuing a CREATE TABLE statement after a SELECT statement was issued in thesame session
D. when issuing the first Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement after a COMMITOR ROLLBACK statement was issued in the same session
E. when issuing a CREATE INDEX statement after a CREATE TABLE statementcompleted successfully in the same session
F. when issuing a DML statement after a DML statement failed in the same session

Question # 4

Which three are types of segments in an Oracle Database? (Choose three.) 

A. undo
B. index
C. stored procedures
D. sequences
E. tables
F. clusters

Question # 5

Which two statements are true about the PMON background process? (Choose two.) 

A. It registers database services with all local and remote listeners known to the databaseinstance
B. It frees resources held by abnormally terminated processes
C. It records checkpoint information in the control file
D. It frees unused temporary segments
E. It kills sessions that exceed idle time

Question # 6

Which three statements are true about table data storage in an Oracle Database? (Choose three.)  

A. Data block headers contain their own Data Block Address (DBA)
B. A table row piece can be chained across several database blocks
C. Multiple row pieces from the same row may be stored in different database blocks
D. Multiple row pieces from the same row may be stored in the same block 
E. Data block free space is always contiguous in the middle of the block 
F. Index block free space is always contiguous in the middle of the block 

Question # 7

Which three statements are true about single-row functions? (Choose three.) 

A. They can be used only in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement
B. The argument can be a column name, variable, literal or an expression
C. The data type returned can be different from the data type of the argument
D. They can be nested to any level
E. They can accept only one argument
F. They return a single result row per table 

Question # 8

Examine this command:CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE undotbs01DATAFILE ‘undotbs_01.dbf’SIZE 100MAUTOEXTEND ON;Which two actions must you take to ensure UNDOTBS01 is used as the default UNDO tablespace? (Choose two.)  

C. Add the NOLOGGING clause
D. Make certain that the database operates in automatic undo management mode
E. Add the ONLINE clause

Question # 9

Which three statements are true about advanced connection options supported by Oracle Net for connection to Oracle Database instances? (Choose three.) 

A. Connect Time Failover requires the use of Transparent Application Failover (TAF)
B. Source Routing requires the use of a name server
C. Source Routing enables the use of Connection Manager (CMAN) which enablesnetwork traffic to be routed through a firewall
D. Load Balancing can balance the number of connections to dispatchers when using aShared Server configuration
E. Load Balancing requires the use of a name server
F. Connect Time Failover requires the connect string to have two or more listeneraddresses configured 

Question # 10

Which two statements are true about UNDO and REDO? (Choose two.) 

A. The generation of UNDO generates REDO
B. DML modifies Oracle database objects and only generates UNDO
C. The generation of REDO generates UNDO
D. DML modifies Oracle database objects and only generates REDO

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