Oracle 1z0-133 Exam Dumps

Oracle 1z0-133 Exam Dumps

Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration I

127 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : September 10, 2024
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Oracle 1z0-133 Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are responsible for installing and setting up WebLogic Server to support thedevelopment, testing, and production of an application. Each phase of the application’s lifecycle has different scalability, performance, and security requirements. How will youimplement this?

A. Create a single domain with three clusters
B. Create a single domain with three administration servers
C. Create a single domain with three managed servers
D. Create three domains

Question # 2

The Configuration Wizard has a Node Manager option which, if selected, allows you to alsoconfigure a Node Manager as you create your domain. Select two true statements aboutusing the Configuration Wizard to configure Node Manager. (Choose two.)

A. You are required to enter the username and password for accessing Node Manager
B. You are allowed to choose the location of the Node Manager home
C. You can select either the Java-based or script-based Node Manager
D. After the Configuration Wizard creates the domain, it automatically starts the configuredNode Manager

Question # 3

You are using the Embedded LDAP that is supplied by Oracle WebLogic Server. Whichthree statements are true? (Choose three.)

A. The Embedded LDAP can be accessed by an external LDAP viewer
B. The Embedded LDAP cannot be used in a production environment
C. The Embedded LDAP uses the file system to store WebLogic security provider data
D. The Embedded LDAP uses the database to store WebLogic security provider data
E. The Embedded LDAP can be used to store user, group, security roles and securitypolicies for the WebLogic security providers

Question # 4

You are using the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain that will consist of a clusterof three managed servers along with an instance of WebLogic Server acting as HTTPproxy to distribute traffic to the cluster.Which three steps should you perform with the Configuration Wizard? (Choose three.)

A. Create one cluster.
B. Install Oracle HTTP Server.
C. Create one Coherence server.
D. Create four managed servers.
E. Assign three servers to a cluster.
F. Specify a proxy port for the administration server.

Question # 5

You are working for a software company that mostly dealt with creating and reusing C++and .NET objects. There are many COM (Component Object Model) components that havebeen created over time that provide standardized functionalities. Recently, platformindependence has become a major consideration for your organization and you havedeployed WebLogic Server12c. But you would like to make use of some of your prebuiltCOM objects for request processing. You need an interim solution before implementingweb services.Which artifact within WebLogic Server helps you achieve your objective?

A. Messaging Bridge
B. IDL Mapper
D. XMLRegistry
E. COM2Java

Question # 6

You zipped up the domain’s config directory on the administration server’s machine beforemaking some major configuration changes. You wait to activate after all the changes havebeen saved. After your changes are in, things start failing badly. You want to go back to theold configuration.What is the best course of action?

A. Undo the changes you made manually by using the administration console or WLST.
B. 1. Stop the administration server. 2. Replace the config directory on the administrationserver’s machine with your backup. 3. Restart the administration server.4. Stop themanaged servers on each machine.5. Replace the config directory on the machine withyour backup.6. Restart the managed servers on the machine.
C. 1. Stop the administration server.2. Extract only the config.xm1 file from the zip file.3.Overwrite config.xm1 on the administration server’s machine with this extracted file.4.Restart the administration server.
D. 1. Stop the administration server.2. Replace the config directory on the administrationserver’s machine with your backup.3. Restart the administration server.

Question # 7

You created a shutdown class MyClass that you would like to execute just before servershutdown.Which statement is true regarding MyClass?

A. MyClass can be specified in the Configuration Wizard as a shutdown class.
B. MyClass must be available in the WebLogic Server’s classpath.
C. MyClass can be targeted to only one server instance.
D. MyClass must not have a main method.

Question # 8

An administrator in your organization says you do not need to back up the domain files ona machine which only managed servers run.Select the best explanation for this statement.

A. This is true because the domain files can be re-created with the pack and unpackutilities.
B. This is true (with an exception) because the domain files can be re-created with the packand unpack utilities. The exception is if your security realm uses the embedded LDAPsystem. Which is not included in the JAR file created by the pack utility.
C. This is true (with an exception) because the domain files can be re-created with the packand unpack utilities. The exception is for applications that are deployed to the managedserver. Those files are not included in the JAR file created by the pack utility. If you backthose up manually, then pack and unpack can be used.
D. This is not true. You need to back up the domain files on a machine on which onlymanaged servers run by using operating system commands (such as tar or zip).

Question # 9

Which two statements are true when an Administration Server is compared to a ManagedServer? (Choose two.)

A. An Administration Server manages the domain configuration
B. A domain must have at least one of each type of server
C. An Administration Server keeps a domain log, but a Managed Server does not
D. A Managed Server keeps a server log, but an Administration Server does not
E. Java EE applications are deployed only to a Managed Server

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