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What is true about cross object formula fields? (Select 2)
A. Fields on Parent can be referred
B. Fields on Grand Parent can be referred
C. Fields on Parent can be referred only using lookup
D. Fields on Grand Parent can only be referred using Master Details
If you have an email campaign and a telemarketing campaign that both influenced the same opportunity, and you designated the email campaign as the primary campaign source, the campaign statistic s opportunities fields will be populated for the?
A. Email Campaign
B. Telemarketing Campaign
C. Both Campaigns
D. Blank
A Sales force object can exist independent of an application.
A. True
B. False
What are included in Force.com platform? Choose 3
A. Ideas
B. App exchange
C. Ul
D. Global Trusted infrastructure
What if million dollar deal and you have to bypass manager and ge t approval from CEO?
A. An administrator wrote a held update action for a workflow rule on a field that is hidden via Field-Level Security.
B. When the B. workflow rule triggers, what happens to the data in t he hidden field?
C. The field will fail to update and remain in its original state.
D. The field is updated, even though it is hidden.
E. The field will only update if the rule was triggered by a time-based trigger
What privileges can be given to delegated administrator? (Select all the apply)
A. Modify the role hierarchy.
B. Create and edit users.
C. Assign users to specified profiles.
D. Modify profile permissions.
E. Manage custom objects.
What are the two questions that you should ask yourself when trying to decide how to set Organization Wide Default permissions for an object? Select all that apply:
A. Who is the most restricted user?
B. How often will users change roles?
C. Who is the least restricted user?
D. Are there objects that should not be viewed/edited by a user?
E. All of the Above R None of the Above
Which statement is TRUE for a master-detail relationship? Select all that apply.
A. Record access of detail records are controlled by the master record.
B. A master record and a related detail record can have different owners.
C. Deleting a master record, also deletes the detail record.
D. A detail record can be shed using sharing rules
What type of information can be recorded in a debug log? (Select a II that apply)
A. Workflow
B. Data Storage
C. Validation
D. Database
E. License
What element would you use to set an opportunity name variable t o "Product Promotion"?
A. Record Update
B. Record Create
C. Assignment
D. Decesion
In Sales force Territory Management a territory hierarchy is different from a role hierarchy in that it grants login access to all users in a territory.
A. Supports assigning users to multiple territories.
B. Automatically assigns users to sales teams in the territory.
C. Gives users in a territory full edit access to all accounts in that territory
What is the fastest way to communicate new release information to your end users?
A. Feature detail pages
B. Detailed release notes
C. Admin preview document
D. Discover button in application
What functionality can be used to create a new related record when a user saves a record?
A. Validation rule.
B. Work flow rule.
C. Visual force page.
D. Apex trigger.
System admin wants to ensure that any user should not be able to edit the Account of other User.
A. Remove Edit permission from profile
B. Set OWD for account as private
C. Set OWD for account as public read
What is used to manage Content? Choose 2
A. Libraries
B. Directories
C. Folders
D. Links
What should system admin do while changing wide default sharing model? Choose 2 answer
A. Export all data using data loader
B. Define a lockout period
C. Send email to all employees
What are some differences between Visual Force and S-Controls? Choose the best answer.
A. Complete control of Ul
B. Complete control of Ul, easy to create code, more manageable
C. Client side
D. All of the above.
What can be used to reduce the size of Formula field? (Choose 2)
Personal tags can be viewed by Admins
A. True
B. False
What is a benefit of creating a custom app for users?
A. Provide users with a place to share and install apps.
B. Allow users to manage custom objects and tab.
C. Gives users access to the tabs and records they need.
D. Differentiates standard and custom objects for users
Criteria - Based sharing rules cannot be created for which Object?
A. Accounts
B. Opportunities
C. Cases
D. Solutions
E. Contacts
F. Custom objects
How can you measure adoptions beyond just logins? Choose 3 answer.
A. Decrease Login Session Timeouts
B. Track how often users are using new features after training sessions,
C. Run spot checks on Data
D. Track training sessions in SFDC
Which are not a capability of a delegated administrator?
A. Create/ edit users and reset passwords
B. Create custom fields
C. Create default sales teams
D. Create personal groups for users
E. Create Custom Objects
F. Assign users to specified profiles
G. Login as a use r who has granted login access
Which of the following are true for Territory Management?
A. The ability to use account criteria to expand a private sharing model.
B. A territory is a collection of accounts and users where the users have at least read access to the accounts
C. Territory is collection of accounts and contacts.
D. There can be only one forecast one user which is independent from territory.
E. Territory Hierarchy is same as Role Hierarchy.
What are some ways to back up your data? Choose 3 answers.
A. Data Loader (Export feature)
B. Full data export or weekly data export
C. Store your data locally
D. Run Reports
What is the sequence of Workflow action?
A. Don't remember wrong options
B. Field Update. Task, Email, Outbound Message
Suri has the "read" permission for the case object on her profile. A criteria-based sharing rule gives her read/write access to product support cases. Will Suri be able to edit.
A. Yes
B. No