Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Consultant Exam Dumps

Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Consultant Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam (SP24)

156 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : November 01, 2024
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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Consultant Sample Questions

Question # 1

A customer wants to link web analytics data to subscriber data.How should this be set up in Data Designer?

A. Link to Marketing Cloud data extensions 
B. Link to the Marketing Cloud API 
C. Link to the Web Analytics SFTP 
D. Link to the Web Analytics Provider API 

Question # 2

A company collects subscriptions on its websites. It does the following:•Compiles that subscription list in a database in the website content Management System(CMS).•Posts this encrypted list to Marketing Cloud nightly at 11 p.m.•Uses Marketing Cloud as the database of record.•Sends up to five emails a week based on subscriber engagement with prior sends.What automation sequence (excluding waits) should cover these requirements?

A. File Transfer > Import File > Measures > Send Email 
B. File Transfer > Import File > SQL Query > Send Email 
C. File Transfer > SQL Query > Measures > Send Email 
D. File Transfer > Data Extract > Filters > Send Email 

Question # 3

A customer wants to perform an email send to a subset of a Synchronized Data Extensionfiltered on custom object data and return tracking to the Sales Cloud.What approach should the consultant recommend?Choose 2 answers

A. Use Data Stream to sync Sales Cloud objects to the Marketing Cloud. 
B. Use Data Filters or Query Activities to output a Sendable Salesforce Data Extension. 
C. Use Query Activities to create a Sendable Synchronized Data Extension.
D. Use Data Filters to segment data to output a Sendable Data Extension 

Question # 4

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to encourage customers who made a purchase on theirwebsite without leaving a review to come back and review their purchase. They want to useJourney Builder to automatically inject contacts who meet these criteria into a Journey.What product should be recommended?

A. Audience Studio 
B. Web Analytics Connector 
C. Data Studio 
D. Google Analytics 360 

Question # 5

Northern Trail Outfitters receives data from their point-of-sale system every night. The file isplaced on their Enhanced FTP, but there is not a consistent time or naming convention forthe file.In which two ways should they set up their automation to import the data from the file on anightly bais? (Choose 2 answers)

C. Scheduled Starting Source 
D. File Drop Starting Source 

Question # 6

Northern Trail Outfitters wants a simple segmentation strategy for identifying subscribersfor their emails.What solution should they use?

A. Relational data extensions with primary keys to match subscribers with their data 
B. Lst model and Groups in Single Send Journeys 
C. Attribute group in Contact Builder for segmentation 
D. Data Extension Entry Source in Journey Builder with a filter 

Question # 7

Northern Trail Outfitters uses a Salesforce Data Entry Source in their Journey that injectsSalesforce Orders when they are either created or updated with a status of New, CurrentlyKnitting Shipped, and Complete. Their Journey works when orders are created, but theynotice that it does not inject customers when their status is updated.What could be causing this?

A. The associated Contact should be updated to be injected 
B. Synchronized Data Sources poll for changes every 15 minutes at the quickest 
C. Orders are not being updated from not meeting criteria to meeting criteria 
D. Orders should be set up to allow injection upon update in Connect Configuration 

Question # 8

Every day at 3 a.m., Northern Trail Outfitter' (NTO) data lake instance starts generating afile that contains all records that should be sent one email or another for the next day'smarketing campaigns. The size of the file varies depending on the previous day's trackingactivity. As soon as the file is generated, NTO wants to import the data, segment the data,and then execute the daily sends.What end-to-end process should deliver this efficiently?

A. Scheduled Automation > File Transfer > Import > Series of Query Activities 
B. Triggered Automation > Import Activity > Series of Query Activities > Series of Sends 
C. Scheduled Automation > Import Activity > Series of Query Activities > Series of Sends 
D. Triggered Automation> Import > Data Extension Extract > Marketing Journey 

Question # 9

To fuel their expansion, Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) recently acquired Eagle Outfitters(EO). There is currently a 30 percent overlap between the guests of each brand and theywill be pursuing cross-marketing opportunities. It was recommended that their MarketingCloud account now include a separate business unit for EO and the company secure a newsender authentication package for EO using the private domain e-EO.com.Select the statement that correctly describes the implication of this recommendation.Choose 2 answers

A. The IP address included in the sender authentication package will have the samereputation as the ones being used for NTO. 
B. The EO business unit can also have the NTO authentication package appliedsimultaneously for cross-marketing emails. 
C. The private domain, e-EO.com, will be used for all link wrapping, image URLs, andlanding page URLs. 
D. The e-EO.com domain will act as the from address for the emails and authenticate usingSPF, SenderlD, and DKIM authentication. 
E. The email headers for EO will still reflect the private domain for NTO since that is theparent company. 

Question # 10

For security reasons, Northern Trail Outfitters indicates they cannot store PII directly withintheir Marketing Cloud account. They are considering implementing Tokenized Sending topull PII from their data warehouse at send time. They indicate they send several large,time-sensitive emails per year.Which two considerations should be made about Tokenized Sending? (Choose 2 answers)

A. Journey Builder Decision Splits provide a method to access data of Tokenized datanatively.
B. Personalization Strings still allow PII to be displayed within an email. 
C. Service Level Agreements for email sends are unsupported with the inclusion of outsideservers. 
D. Tokenized Sending should be combined with field-level data encryption for additionalsecurity. 

Question # 11

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to set up a welcome journey that leverages customer dataacross three data extensions: Customers, Orders, and Products.How should the consultant facilitate this within Contact Builder?

A. Create three distinct Attribute Groups that link each data extension directly to Contacts. 
B. Create three distinct Attribute Groups that link Customers to Contacts, Orders toCustomers, and Products to Orders. 
C. Create a single Attribute Group that links Contacts to Customers, Orders to Products,and Products to Customers. 
D. Create a single Attribute Group that links Customers to Contacts, Orders to Customers,and Products to Orders. 

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