ServiceNow CIS-CSM Exam Dumps

ServiceNow CIS-CSM Exam Dumps

ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Customer Service Management Exam

229 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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ServiceNow CIS-CSM Sample Questions

Question # 1

By default what can customers with the customer (sn_customerservice.customer) role see on the customer service portal? (Choose three.)

A. Assets Most Voted 
B. Publications Most Voted 
C. Products Most Voted 
D. Contacts 
E. Contracts 

Question # 2

What can a person assigned with the customer role access on the customer service portal by default? (Choose three.)

A. Cases 
B. Related parties 
C. Assets 
D. Social profiles 
E. Sold products 

Question # 3

What will be the state of a case after a customer rejects the solution proposed by an agent? 

A. In Progress 
B. Open Most Voted 
C. New 
D. Solution Rejected 

Question # 4

Which of the following is correct regarding the create contact (consumer) feature in CSM Workspaces?

A. The create contact (consumer) feature is available in all CSM Workspaces 
B. The create contact (consumer) feature is not available in any of the CSM Workspaces 
C. The create contact (consumer) feature is only available in the CSM Configurable Workspace Most Voted
D. The create contact (consumer) feature is only available in the Agent Workspace 

Question # 5

What is the primary output from the Requirements Gathering workshop? 

A. Schedules 
B. Use Cases 
C. Stories 
D. Personas 

Question # 6

What is a limitation regarding synchronization between a case and its associated work order? 

A. If information changes on the Case form it is not updated on the Work Order form 
B. Updates on a case or work order will only synchronize after the work order is approved 
C. When creating a work order from a case only the Account field on the work order form is filed in but not the Company field
D. The data copied over to the Work Order form when creating a work order from a case cannot be configured or customized

Question # 7

What is the most efficient way to get cases to be dosed automatically after a few days? 

A. Set the property glide.auto.close.cases resolved to true 
B. Create a workflow associated with cases with a timer that changes the state after a few days 
C. Create a Scheduled job that looks at the resolved_at date 
D. Activate the Auto Close Resolved Cases flow 

Question # 8

A customer service manager would like to limit the reading and creation of knowledge articles within a specific Knowledge Base to the Customer Support group only. Which features should be used to accomplish this? (Choose two.)

A. Can Read user criteria 
B. Whitelist all other groups from the Knowledge Base 
C. Hide the Knowledge Base from the Knowledge Base Portal 
D. Cannot Contribute user criteria

Question # 9

Guided decisions is a decision authoring and execution capability that dynamically guides agents to resolve complex cases. Guided decisions consist of decision trees. What is a decision tree?

A. A step-by-step methodology for creating and solving different case types 
B. A detailed check list for customer service teams 
C. A multi-step process consisting of a series of questions answers, and guidance Most Voted 
D. A set of steps used to define a complex process 

Question # 10

What benefits does scoping an application bring? (Choose three.) 

A. CSM teams can move at their desired pace, independent of IT 
B. Provides CSM teams autonomy and control 
C. CSM application data and business logic is protected from changes by other applications 
D. Account records can be changed only while in the CSM scope 
E. Changes in different scopes can be addressed in a single update set 

Question # 11

Entitlements are counted using two types of units: 

A. SLAs and contracts 
B. Days and assets 
C. Cases and products
D. Hours and cases 

Question # 12

How are ServiceNows out-of-the-box Customer Service Management applications packaged? (Choose two.)

A. Store Apps 
B. Update Sets 
C. Through private scopes 
D. Plugins 

Question # 13

Which step in Advanced Work Assignment (AWA) would ensure the work was allocated to the appropriate agent? 

A. Set the Agent Experience 
B. Define Assignment Rules 
C. Define Work Item Queues 
D. Configure Service Channels 

Question # 14

A customer service agent wants to escalate an account but is unable to use the Escalate Account related link on the Account form. What could be the reasons why the customer service agent is not able to use it? (Choose two.)

A. No escalation approval flow is configured 
B. The parent account of the account to be escalated is not active 
C. The customer service agent is not assigned with the escalation requester role 
D. The account already has an open escalation record 

Question # 15

Installing the Customer Service Management plugin activates: 

A. Only one other plugin - Field Service Management Plugin 
B. No other Plugins 
C. Only two other plugins - Portal and Case Management 
D. Many other plugins at the same time 

Question # 16

An account is a supported external customer and a contact is a user who is an employee of an account. How many accounts can a contact be associated with? 

A. One 
B. Two 
C. Three 
D. Multiple 

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