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What table acts as a staging area for records imported from a data source?
A. Transform Table
B. Staging Table
C. Import Set Row Table
D. Temp Table
When you seta policy that is applied to all data entered into the platform (UI, Import Sets, or Web Services), where does this policy run by default?
A. Client
B. Server
C. Browser
D. Network
On the Cl Dependency View, what enables you to trace from an infrastructure item, like aServer, to the Services that are dependent on that Server?
A. Service Tracer
B. Automapping Utility
C. Relationships
D. Transform Map
What is used to determine user access to knowledge bases or a knowledge article?
A. sn_kb_read, sn_article_read
B. Privacy Settings
C. Read Access Flag
D. User Criteria
To apply a UI Policy to all views, which field should be set to true in its definition record?
A. Inherit
B. Reverse if false
C. On lowed
D. Global
What ServiceNow feature can be triggered by events, and is used to inform users about activities or updates in ServiceNow?
A. Notifications
B. Alerts
C. Texts
D. Events
E. Emails
Which field (or fields) is used as a unique key during imports?
A. Match Fields
B. Coalesce Fields
C. Key Fields
D. Sys IDs
When looking at a long list of records, you want to quickly filter, to show only those which have Category of Hardware. How might you do that?
A. On the Iist, locate and right click on the value Hardware, select Show Matching
B. Click Funnel ten, type Hardware and click enter
C. On the Category column header, right click and select Show > Hardware
D. Right dick on magnifier, type Hardware and click enter
E. On Breadcrumb, click > icon, type Hardware and click enter
Which framework can automatically populate values for the priority and Category field based on the Short description field value?
A. UI Policy
B. Assignment Rule
C. Action
D. Predictive intelligence
What does Natural Language Query allow you to do on a list?
A. Automatically select a filter, based on keywords
B. Filter list by typing in a phrase
C. Predict the filter desired by the user
D. Speak to the condition builder
E. Set list filter, using audible commands
The ServiceNow platform supports a wide variety of plus-and-play application. You can choose from the included workflow or build your own workflow. Which of following these workflows are included in the platform?
A. Employee Workflows
B. Infrastructure Workflows
C. Federal Workflows
D. Manufacturing Workflows
E. Customer Workflows
F. IT Workflows
What are examples of Ul Actions, relating to Lists?Choose 4 answers
A. List Links
B. List Control
C. List Buttons
D. List Context Menu
E. List Override
F. List Choices
What is the name of the string that display filter criteria?
A. Topic
B. Choice
C. Breadcrump
D. Menu
What are examples of Core tables in the ServiceNow platform?
A. Configuration, Connect, Chat
B. Team, Party, Awards
C. User, Task, Incident
D. Work, Caller, Timecard
What is the platform name for the Group table?
A. SyS_USer_group
B. Sys_group
C. group
D. sys_groups
What are advantages of using spokes for integrations? Choose 3 answers
A. Reduces the need for code
B. Features scale and control mechanisms
C. Free spokes are available in the ServiceNow Store
D. Ensures discoverability and reuse
E. Automated event management
You have been asked to configure a form so an employee could a tablet and select thestandard accessary options to purchase with it. These standard options are: carrying case,screen cleaner, tablet stand, and screen protector. What approach would you take?Choose 3 answers
A. Create Catalog item for the tablet, and on the form, add a check box variable for each
accessary option.
B. Create Catalog item for the tablet, and add a variable set to the form, for the accessary
C. Create one Catalog item for each: tablet, carrying case, screen cleaner, tablet stand,
and screen protector.
D. Create a Records producer, and on the form, add a check box variable for each
accessary option.
E. On shopping Cart configuration, select option to show the Add Accessories button.
How is a user defined in ServiceNow?
A. user is a record stored in the User Preference [Sys_user_preference] table
B. A User is a record stored in the Profile [sys_user_profile] table
C. A user is 2 field in the LOAP integration
D. A user is a record stored in the User [sys_user] table
What table acts as a staging area for records imported from a data source?
A. Transform Table
B. Staging Table
C. Import Set Row Table
D. Temp Table
When using the Data Pill Picker, use which keys to dot-walk (6 fields in other tables?
A. Arrows
B. Plus, Minus
C. Ctrl c, Ctrl
D. Ctrl <, Ctrl >
E. Shift F4, Shit FS
The Report Designer contains different section for configuring your report. Which section is used to specify the name of the report, and the table or data source for the report.
A. Properties
B. Data
B. Data
C. Configure
D. Type
E. Sources
What access does a user need to be able to import anicies to a knowledge base?
A. Can contribute
B. sn_knowledge_contripute
C. sn_knowledge_import
D. Can import
A new employee joins the IT deployment and needs to perform work assigned to Network and Hardware groups. How would you set up their access? Choose 3 answers
A. Add User Account to itll group
B. Add User Account to ACL
C. Add User Account to network group
D. Add User Account to IT Knowledgebase
E. Create User Account
F. Add User Account to Hardware group
While on an Incident record, how would you add a Tag for "Special Handling" to the record?
A. Click on the More options (.,.) icon, click Add Tag, type Special Handling, press enter
B. On the Special Handling field, check the box
C. On the Tag field, select Special Handling from the choice list
D. Click on the Context menu, select Add Tag, type Special Handling, press enter
What Service Catalog feature do you use to organize items into logical groups?
A. Variable sets
B. Catalog items
C. Sections
D. Categories