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When should multiple search pipelines be enabled?
A. Only if disk IOPS is at 800 or better.
B. Only if there are fewer than twelve concurrent users.
C. Only if running Splunk Enterprise version 6.6 or later.
D. Only if CPU and memory resources are significantly under-utilized.
A customer has installed a 500GB Enterprise license. They also purchased and installed a 300GB, no enforcement license on the same license master. How much data can the customer ingest before search is locked out?
A. 300GB. After this limit, search is locked out.
B. 500GB. After this limit, search is locked out.
C. 800GB. After this limit, search is locked out.
D. Search is not locked out. Violations are still recorded.
To activate replication for an index in an indexer cluster, what attribute must be configured in indexes.conf on all peer nodes?
A. repFactor = 0
B. replicate = 0
C. repFactor = auto
D. replicate = auto
How does the average run time of all searches relate to the available CPU cores on the indexers?
A. Average run time is independent of the number of CPU cores on the indexers.
B. Average run time decreases as the number of CPU cores on the indexers decreases.
C. Average run time increases as the number of CPU cores on the indexers decreases.
D. Average run time increases as the number of CPU cores on the indexers increases.
Before users can use a KV store, an admin must create a collection. Where is a collection is defined?
A. kvstore.conf
B. collection.conf
C. collections.conf
D. kvcollections.conf
Which of the following can a Splunk diag contain?
A. Search history, Splunk users and their roles, running processes, indexed data
B . Server specs, current open connections, internal Splunk log files, index listings
C. KV store listings, internal Splunk log files, search peer bundles listings, indexed data
D. Splunk platform configuration details, Splunk users and their roles, current open connections, index
Which of the following tasks should the architect perform when building a deployment plan? (Select all that apply.)
A. Use case checklist.
B. Install Splunk apps.
C. Inventory data sources.
D. Review network topology.
A Splunk user successfully extracted an ip address into a field called src_ip. Their colleague cannot see that field in their search results with events known to have src_ip. Which of the following may explain the problem? (Select all that apply.)
A. The field was extracted as a private knowledge object.
B. The events are tagged as communicate, but are missing the network tag.
C. The Typing Queue, which does regular expression replacements, is blocked.
D. The colleague did not explicitly use the field in the search and the search was set to Fast Mode.
Which Splunk tool offers a health check for administrators to evaluate the health of their Splunk deployment?
A. btool
B. DiagGen
C. SPL Clinic
D. Monitoring Console
What is the logical first step when starting a deployment plan?
A. Inventory the currently deployed logging infrastructure.
B. Determine what apps and use cases will be implemented.
C. Gather statistics on the expected adoption of Splunk for sizing.
D. Collect the initial requirements for the deployment from all stakeholders.
When adding or decommissioning a member from a Search Head Cluster (SHC), what is the proper order of operations?
A. 1. Delete Splunk Enterprise, if it exists.2. Install and initialize the instance.3. Join the SHC.
B. 1. Install and initialize the instance.2. Delete Splunk Enterprise, if it exists.3. Join the SHC.
C. 1. Initialize cluster rebalance operation.2. Remove master node from cluster.3. Trigger replication.
D. 1. Trigger replication.2. Remove master node from cluster.3. Initialize cluster rebalance operation.