CompTIA PK0-004 Exam Dumps

CompTIA PK0-004 Exam Dumps

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796 Questions & Answers with Explanation
Update Date : September 10, 2024
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CompTIA PK0-004 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Upon assignment to a project, the project manager is given a set budget, a due date, and a clearly defined description of desired deliverables. Which of the following should the project manager do NEXT?

A. Determine the flexibility between the project constraints
B. Hold a kick-off meeting with the project team
C. Determine procurement needs to meet the project demands
D. Create the risk register

Question # 2

Analogous estimating was used earlier in a hauling project; however, through progressive elaboration, it is determined that the cost for fuel is much lower than anticipated. Which of the following types of project change should be submitted?

A. Resources
B. Requirements
C. Scope
D. Funding

Question # 3

A project manager has taken over a project that is already in progress. The project manager notices the functional manager of one team is unaware of the current progress. Which of the following should the project manager do? (Choose two.)

A. Update the project charter to include the functional manager as a key stakeholder
B. Publish the project schedule to the functional manager
C. Review the communications plan to ensure proper involvement
D. Add the incident to the issue log and seek resolution
E. Ensure the functional manager is on the status report distribution list

Question # 4

A hurricane occurs in an area where several key project resources are located. When reviewing the project dashboard, the project sponsor sees the project is behind schedule and asks the project manager for an explanation. Which of the following documents should the project manager examine NEXT to provide an explanation? 

A. Meeting minutes
B. Issue log
C. Project schedule
D. Budget

Question # 5

A project manager is assigned a project that is part of the company’s strategic objectives. Of which of the following is the project a part?

A. Project management office
B. Portfolio
C. Program
D. Mission statement

Question # 6

A project manager is starting a project on an unfamiliar technology. The document that is MOST likely to be created and distributed is an: 


Question # 7

A project team is working on a project with high public visibility and excitement. The project sponsor is concerned the public may lose interest due to the long delivery timeline. Which of the following is the BEST way to keep the external stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project?

A. Video conferencing
B. Instant messaging
C. Social media
D. Email

Question # 8

Which of the following represents the order of the team development stages? 

A. Forming, storming, norming, performing
B. Forming, performing, storming, norming
C. Forming, norming, storming, performing
D. Forming, norming, performing, storming

Question # 9

Which of the following should a project manager consider as part of a make or buy analysis? 

A. Organization type
C. Project charter
D. Trade secrets

Question # 10

A project has been experiencing some difficulties due to third-party vendors. The project manager should request. 

A. Additional resources
B. A gate review
C. A risk register update
D. A performance audit

Question # 11

Which of the following are characteristics of a matrix organization? (Choose three.) 

A. The project manager has full authority.
B. Resources report directly to the functional manager.
C. Authority is shared between functional and project managers.
D. Resources are assigned from functional area to project.
E. There is ad hoc resourcing.
F. The organization utilizes a bench.
G. The project manager authority ranges from strong to weak.

Question # 12

Which of the following organizational structures uses project team members who are selected from within their department?

A. Projectized
B. Balanced matrix
C. Functional
D. Strong matrix

Question # 13

The PMO has asked the PM to provide a status report indicating the number of events and activities required to complete a project. Which of the following charts should the PM include in the status report?

A. Gantt chart
B. Scatter chart
C. Run chart
D. Process diagram

Question # 14

Which of the following is a risk strategy? 

A. Risk quantification
B. Risk avoidance
C. Risk identification
D. Risk review

Question # 15

A project sponsor approved an undocumented change without following the formal change control process. The resulting change caused an outage in a crucial accounting application. Which of the following change control processes would help mitigate the realization of this risk?

A. Regression plan
B. Quality plan
C. Change validation
D. Application version control

Question # 16

A key team member found a new job and will be leaving in two weeks. Which of the following should the project manager do FIRST to minimize negative impacts to the project?

A. Request a replacement from the project sponsor.
B. Contact human resources to initiate the termination process.
C. Involve the legal department for contract review.
D. Inform executive management about attrition.

Question # 17

A key stakeholder claims to have not received status updates per the agreement. The PM reviews the communications plan and determines the updates were provided as agreed upon. Which of the following should the PM do NEXT to resolve the inconsistency between the communications plan and the stakeholder’s expectations?

A. Analyze the RASI chart
B. Review previous meeting minutes.
C. Initiate a change control request.
D. Updates the communications plan.

Question # 18

Which of the following are the components of a RACI matrix? 

A. Responsibility, authority, support, inform
B. Responsible, accountable, consulted, informed
C. Reliability, accountability, support, inform
D. Responsibility, acquired, consulted, informed

Question # 19

The supervisor asks an engineer to be a project manager within the department. Of which of the following types of organizational structures is this an example? 

A. Projectized
B. Functional
C. Matrix
D. Intermediary

Question # 20

A PM has a complex project that requires coordination among numerous stakeholders. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate type of meeting for the stakeholders to hold?

A. Virtual
B. Impromptu
C. One-on-one
D. In-person

Question # 21

A client has requested a project be completed ahead of schedule. The client understands the triple constraints and agrees to expand the defect tolerance.Which of the following should the PM do NEXT?  

A. Crash the schedule
B. Notify the project team.
C. Initiate a change request
D. Accept the risk.

Question # 22

Which of the following is the MOST important component against which the project manager can analyze project performance?

A. Burn rate
B. Project baselines
D. Budget

Question # 23

Which of the following organization types requires the project manager to report performance issues to another department?

A. Functional
B. Strong matrix
C. Projectized
D. Weak matrix

Question # 24

A developer is experiencing constant project scope changes and reaches out to the project manager to discuss the situation. They agree the customer has requested multiple modifications to the core idea and now extra work may need to be performed. Which of the following approaches would BEST support on-time delivery considering these changes?

A. Strict change management controls
B. Regular Scrum meetings
C. Continuous requirements gathering
D. Regular milestone reviews

Question # 25

Due to a lack of adherence to the risk response plan, there are numerous safety concerns within the scope of a building project. Which of the following MOST likely explains this issue?

A. Risks were not identified.
B. Risks were not mitigated.
C. Risks were not exploited.
D. Risks were not communicated.

Question # 26

A project manager notices a lack of meeting attendance from the project team. Which of the following actions might the project manager take to BEST improve the level of attendance?

A. Schedule the meeting directly on the attendees’ calendars.
B. Publish an agenda prior to the meeting.
C. Increase the number of email invitations for the upcoming meeting.
D. Send the meeting invitation by email with a read receipt.

Question # 27

A project team has just finished one phase of product development and is gathering requirements for the next phase. Which of the following methodologies is being applied?

A. Waterfall
C. Agile
D. Top-down

Question # 28

Team members in a projectized organization are released at the end of a project and placed on the “bench”. Which of the following should the benched team members do NEXT?

A. Find a new project.
B .Check in with a functional manager.
C. Report to the project manager.
D. Contact the project sponsor.

Question # 29

Which of the following resources outlines consequences of non-performance? 

A. Project sponsor
B. Project team
C. Customer
D. Project management office

Question # 30

Which of the following tasks are responsibilities of the project manager role?

A. Provide inputs, estimate tasks, and manage a team
B. Manage the budget, perform quality assurance, and be accountable for artifacts
C. Set deliverables, control risk, manage risk, and create a project charter
D. Manage a team, marketing, roadblocks, and project steering

Question # 31

A project task has been completed ahead of schedule. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate next step?

A. Provide the next task to the newly freed resource.
B. Communicate the success to the team.
C. Notify the project sponsor of the new completion date.
D. Update the schedule and add lag to the next task.

Question # 32

An organization is divided into three separate entities based on geographical region. Which of the following types of organizational change is this?

A. Relocation
B. Outsourcing
C. Demerger
D. Split

Question # 33

When developing a project schedule, which of the following resources is the BEST to estimate task duration? 

A. Project manager
B. Project scheduler
C. Project team
D. Project sponsor

Question # 34

During a risk review session, the project team identified the percentage probability that a particular risk will occur. This is known as:

A. risk identification
B. risk prioritization
C. risk qualification
D. risk quantification

Question # 35

Which of the following can a project manager use to keep track of finances and ensure costs are accurately applied to a project?

A. PO numbers
B. Cost baseline
C. Bill of materials
D. WBS codes

Question # 36

A new project manager is working in an environment where resources report to another supervisor. The project manager is having difficulty with a particular member and wants to escalate the issue. Which of the following documents should the project manager consult? 

A. Issue log
B. RACI chart
C. Risk management plan
D. Organizational chart

Question # 37

Which of the following will identify the MOST potential project risks? 

A. Cost-benefit analysis
B. Past project documentation
C. Project budget
D. Benchmarking

Question # 38

A project team is spread between two countries on different continents. Which of the following factors are MOST likely to influence communication methods selected for the communication plan? (Select TWO).

A. Interorganizational constraints
B. Personal preferences
C. Language barriers
D. Cultural differences
E. Confidentiality constraints

Question # 39

An engineer is troubleshooting a malfunctioning physical deliverable and requires assistance from remote team members. Which of the following would be the BEST communication method for the engineer to use?

A. Phone conversation
B. Face-to-face meeting
C. Instant messaging
D. Video conference

Question # 40

A key stakeholder asked several members of the project team to make project changes without submitting them for approval. Because the stakeholder is related to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the team members are reluctant to deny these requests. Which of the following should the project manager do FIRST to control this situation?

A. Have the team members deny all change requests from this stakeholder
B. Ask the project sponsor for more funding to anticipate the change requests from the key stakeholder
C. Contact the key stakeholder to encourage the submission of written change requests
D. Request additional resources from the project team to complete the change requests from the key stakeholder

Question # 41

A part that is needed to complete Task 3 has been backordered and will arrive three days later than scheduled. Task 3 must be complete for Task 4 to start. There is one day of float for the two tasks. Which of the following represents the number of days the project schedule will be delayed?

A. Zero
B. One
C. Two
D. Three

Question # 42

A project manager is performing resource leveling and notices one of the functional testers is assigned 40% in a second project. The project manager needs the resource to be 100% dedicated to the project; otherwise, the testing phase jeopardizes the delivery date. Which of the following should the project manager do NEXT?

A. Ask the resource manager to deallocate the resource from the second project.
B. Ask the resource manager to assign a new resource with 40% of allocation.
C. Keep the resource 100% allocated in the project, as per the initial plan.
D. Change the resource to 60% of allocation and review the mitigation plan.

Question # 43

A project can be defined as: 

A. permanent and ongoing.
B. temporary and unique.
C. temporary and standard.
D. permanent and unique.

Question # 44

A project sponsor wants to know which tasks are next in the project but is unable to find this information. Which of the following may need to be adjusted?

A. Scope document
B. Status report
C. Issue log
D. Risk log

Question # 45

Which of the following charts would indicate the cause and effect of tasks in a project, and for which of the following activities would the chart be used?

A. Histogram, forecasting
B. Ishikawa, quality control
C. Scatter, determining resources
D. Gantt, leveraging resources

Question # 46

Which of the following are major characteristics of sprint planning? (Choose two.) 

A. Defining the sprint durations
B. Defining the sprint owners
C. Defining the sprint parameters
D. Defining the number of sprints
E. Defining the sprint classifications

Question # 47

While planning a project, the project team estimates known expenses but also applies a margin of error for unknown expenses. Which of the following is the project team trying to determine?

A. Cost of quality
B. Expenditures
C. Total project cost
D. Burn rate

Question # 48

A member of a CCB notices a change request was not approved by the steering committee. Which of the following is the BEST method to handle this situation? 

A. Disapprove the change request.
B. Evaluate the impact of the change.
C. Develop a regression plan.
D. Hold the change request for review

Question # 49

The project team has identified all the tasks needed to create project deliverables and grouped them into work packages covering all project scope. Which of the following should be done NEXT? 

A. Identify task relationships.
B. Put the resources on tasks.
C. Set the quality gates.
D. Estimate the work package.

Question # 50

Which of the following includes setting governance gates as well as predecessors and dependencies? 

A. Project communication
B. Project constraints
C. Project change control
D. Project scheduling

Question # 51

In the review of a project status report, the slack is negative. Which of the following should the project manager tell the stakeholders?

A. The project is behind schedule
B. The project is over budget
C. The project has float available
D. The project needs a gate review

Question # 52

A construction company is building a plant in a territory that is prone to earthquakes. To address the risk and consequences of potential earthquakes during and after plant construction, the company purchases additional insurance. Which of the following risk responses has occurred?

A. Avoiding
B. Mitigating
C. Accepting
D. Transferring

Question # 53

A new executive has joined the organization and is considering adding deliverables to the scope. The sponsor agrees with the executive but does not want to change the completion date. Which of the following options would be MOST useful to the project manager to accommodate the new scope without extending the completion date? (Choose two.)

A. Fast-track some tasks to free up time.
B. Remove some of the previous deliverables.
C. Document the impact to the scope.
D. Request additional funds to get more resources.
E. Deny the scope change.
F. Perform regression analysis on the changes.

Question # 54

A company recently discovered that it could save money by moving its call center to another country. The company entered into an agreement for call center services. Which of the following types of organizational change is this? 

A. Relocation
B. Outsourcing
C. Business process change
D. Business demerger/split

Question # 55

A project manager has updated the project schedule but cannot analyze the schedule performance. Which of the following steps did the project manager miss?

A. Lock the schedule
B. Approve the schedule
C. Baseline the schedule
D. Fast track the schedule

Question # 56

According to the communication management plan, the project scheduler is required to post weekly status reports on the project’s intranet site. From the stakeholders’ point of view, accessing the weekly report is an example of:

A. interorganizational preferences
B. personal preferences
C. the interactive method
D. the pull method

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