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The network administrator configured CoPP so that all routing protocol traffic toward the router CPU is limited to 1 mbps. All traffic that exceeds this limit must be dropped. The router is running BGP and OSPF Management traffic for Telnet and SSH must be limited to 500kbps.access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq 179access-list 100 permit tcp any any range 22 23access-list 100 permit ospf any any!class-map CM-ROUTINGmatch access-group 100class-map CM-MGMTmatch access-group 100!policy-map PM-COPPclass CM-ROUTINGpolice 1000000 conform-action transmitclass CM-MGMTpolice 500000 conform-action transmit!control-planeservice-policy output PM-COPPNo traffic is filtering through CoPP,which is resulting in high CPU utilization,which configuration resolves the issue ?
A. no access-list 100access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq 179access-list 100 permit ospf any anyaccess-list 101 Permit tcp any any range 22 23!class-map CM-MGMTno match access-group 100match access-group 101
B. control-planeno service-policy output PM-COPPservice-policy input PM-COPP
C. No access-list 100access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq 179access-list 100 permit tcp any any range eq 22access-list 100 permit tcp any any range eq 23access-list 100 permit ospf any any
D. no access-list 100access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq 179access-list 100 permit ospf any anyaccess-list 101 Permit tcp any any range 22 23!class-map CM-MGMTno match access-group 100match access-group 101!control-planeno service-policy output PM-COPPservice-policy input PM-COPP
A network administrator is troubleshooting a high utilization issue on the route processor of a router that was reported by NMS The administrator logged into the router to check the control plane policing and observed that the BGP process is dropping a high number of routing packets and causing thousands of routes to recalculate frequently. Which solution resolves this issue?
A. Police the cir for BGP, conform-action transmit, and exceed action transmit.
B. Shape the pir for BGP, conform-action set-prec-transmit, and exceed action set-frdetransmit.
C. Shape the cir for BGP. conform-action transmit, and exceed action transmit.
D. Police the pir for BGP, conform-action set-prec-transmit, and exceed action set-clptransmit.
What is a function of BFD?
A. peer recovery after a Layer 3 protocol adjacency failure
B. peer recovery after a Layer 2 adjacency failure
C. failure detection independent of routing protocols and media types
D. failure detection dependent on routing protocols and media types
Which method provides failure detection in BFD?
A. short duration, high overhead
B. short duration, low overhead
C. long duration, high overhead
D. long duration, low overhead
Which IPv6 feature enables a device to reject traffic when it is originated from an address that is not stored in the device binding table?
A. IPv6 Snooping
B. IPv6 Source Guard
C. IPv6 DAD Proxy
D. IPv6 RA Guard
Which feature minimizes DoS attacks on an IPv6 network?
A. IPv6 Binding Security Table
B. IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard
C. IPv6 Prefix Guard
D. IPv6 Destination Guard
A newly installed spoke router is configured for DMVPN with the ip mtu 1400 command. Which configuration allows the spoke to use fragmentation with the maximum negotiated TCP MTU over GRE?
ip tcp adjust-mss 1360
crypto ipsec fragmentation after-encryption
ip tcp adjust-mtu 1360
crypto ipsec fragmentation after-encryption
ip tcp adjust-mss 1360
crypto ipsec fragmentation mtu-discovery
ip tcp adjust-mtu 1360
crypto ipsec fragmentation mtu-discovery
What are two characteristics of IPv6 Source Guard? (Choose two.)
A. requires IPv6 snooping on Layer 2 access or trunk ports
B. used in service provider deployments to protect DDoS attacks
C. requires the user to configure a static binding
D. requires that validate prefix be enabled
E. recovers missing binding table entries
An engineer configured a router with this configuration ip access-hst DENY TELNET 10 deny tcp any any eq 23 log-inputThe router console starts receiving log message :%SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: listDENY_TELNET denied tcp D508.89gb.003f) - >, 1 packet" Which action stops messages on the console while still denying Telnet?
A. Configure a 20 permit ip any any command
B. Remove log-Input keyword from the access list.
C. Replace log-input keyword with the log keyword in the access list.
D. Configure a 20 permit ip any any log-input command.
What must be configured by the network engineer to circumvent AS_PATH prevention mechanism in IP/VPN Hub and Spoke deployment scenarios?
A. Use allows in and as-override at all Pes.
B. Use allowas in and as-override at the PE-Hub.
C. Use Allowas-in the PE_Hub
D. Use as-override at the PE_Hub
In a DMVPN network, the Spoke1 user observed that the voice traffic is coming to Spoke2 users via the hub router. Which command is required on both spoke routers to communicate directly to one another?
A. ip nhrp map dynamic
B. ip nhrp shortcut
C. ip nhrp nhs multicast
D. ip nhrp redirect
Which IPv6 first hop security feature controls the traffic necessary for proper discovery of neighbor device operation and performance?
A. RA Throttling
B. Source or Destination Guard
C. ND Multicast Suppression
D. IPv6 Snooping
What are the two goals of micro BFD sessions? (Choose two.)
A. The high bandwidth member link of a link aggregation group must run BFD
B. Run the BFD session with 3x3 ms hello timer
C. Continuity for each member link of a link aggregation group must be verified
D. Eny member link on a link aggregation group must run BFD
E. Each member link of a link aggregation group must run BFD.
What is an advantage of implementing BFD?
A. BFD provides faster updates for any flapping route.
B. BFD provides millisecond failure detection
C. BFD is deployed without the need to run any routing protocol
D. BFD provides better capabilities to maintain the routing table
What is a function of an end device configured with DHCPv6 guard?
A. If it is configured as a server, only prefix assignments are permitted.
B. If it is configured as a relay agent, only prefix assignments are permitted.
C. If it is configured as a client, messages are switched regardless of the assigned role.
D. If it is configured as a client, only DHCP requests are permitted.
What is a characteristic of Layer 3 MPLS VPNs?
A. LSP signaling requires the use of unnumbered IP links for traffic engineering.
B. Traffic engineering supports multiple IGP instances
C. Traffic engineering capabilities provide QoS and SLAs.
D. Authentication is performed by using digital certificates or preshared keys.
An engineer configures PBR on R5 and wants to create a policy that matches traffic destined toward and forward The traffic must also have its IP precedence set to 5.All other trafficshould be forward toward and have its IP precedence set to 0.Which configuration meets the requirements?
A. access-list 1 permit
access-list 2 permit any
route-map CCNP permit 10
match ip address 1
set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 5
route-map CCNP permit 20
match ip address 2
set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 0route-map CCNP permit 30
B. access-list 100 permit ip any
route-map CCNP permit 10
match ip address 100
set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 0
route-map CCNP permit 20
set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 5
route-map CCNP permit 30
C. access-list 1 permit
route-map CCNP permit 10
match ip address 1
set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 5
route-map CCNP permit 20
set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 0
D. access-list 100 permit ip any
route-map CCNP permit 10
match ip address 100
set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 5
route-map CCNP permit 20 set ip next-hop
set ip precedence 0
Which mechanism must be chosen to optimize the reconvergence time for OSPF at company location 407173257 that is less CPU-intensive than reducing the hello and dead timers?
B. Dead Peer Detection keepalives
D. OSPF demand circuit
What is the purpose of the DHCPv6 Guard?
A. It messages between a DHCPv6 server and a DHCPv6 client ( or relay agent).
B. It shows that clients of a DHCPv5 server are affected.
C. It block DHCPv6 messages from relay agents to a DHCPv6 server.
D. It allows DHCPv6 replay and advertisements from (rouge) DHCPv6 servers.
Which table is used to map the packets in an MPLS LSP that exit from the same interface, via the same next hop, and have the same queuing policies?
What does the MP-BGP OPEN message contain?
A. MPLS labels and the IP address of the router that receives the message
B. the version number and the AS number to which the router belongs
C. IP routing information and the AS number to which the router belongs
D. NLRI, path attributes, and IP addresses of the sending and receiving routers
What is a function of IPv6 Source Guard?
A. It works with address glean or ND to find existing addresses.
B. It inspects ND and DHCP packets to build an address binding table.
C. It denies traffic from known sources and allocated addresses.
D. It notifies the ND protocol to inform hosts if the traffic is denied by it.
A customer reports that traffic is not passing on an EIGRP enabled multipoint interface on a router configured as below: interface Serial0/0 no ip address interface Server0/0/0.9 multipoint ip address ip split-horizon eigrp 1 Which action resolves the issue?
A. Enable poison reverse
B. Enable split horizon
C. Disable poison reverse
D. Disable split horizon
How does an MPLS Layer 3 VPN differentiate the IP address space used between each VPN?
A. by RD
B. by address family
C. by MP-BGP
D. byRT
What are two characteristics of a VRF instance? (Choose two)
A. It is defined by the VPN membership of a customer site attached to a P device.
B. Each VRF has a different set of routing and CEF tables.
C. AII VRFS share customers routing and CEF tables.
D. An interface must be associated to one VRF
E. A customer site can be associated to different VRFs.
An engineer failed to run diagnostic commands on devices using Cisco DNA Center. Which action in Cisco DNA Center resolves the issue?
A. Enable Command Runner
B. Enable APIs
C. Enable CDP
D. Enable Secure Shell
A network administrator performed a Compact Flash Memory upgrade on a Cisco Catalyst 6509 Switch. Everything is functioning normally except SNMP, which was configured to monitor the bandwidth of key interfaces but the interface indexes are changed. Which global configuration resolves the issue?
A. snmp-server ifindex permanent
B. snmp ifindex permanent
C. snmp-server ifindex persist
D. snmp ifindex persist
Which two components are required for MPLS Layer 3 VPN configuration? (Choose two)
A. Use pseudowire for Layer 2 routes
B. Use MP-BGP for customer routes
C. Use OSPF between PE and CE
D. Use a unique RD per customer VRF
E. Use LDP for customer routes
What is the function of BFD?
A. It provides uniform failure detection regardless of media type.
B. It creates high CPU utilization on hardware deployments.
C. It negotiates to the highest version if the neighbor version differs.
D. It provides uniform failure detection on the same media type.
Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer receives a fault ticket about traffic drops from BANK SITE to BANK Users can reach BANK SITE Y from router RA as a source. Routers RB and RD are acting as route reflectors. Which configuration resolves the issue?
RC(config)#router bgp 65201
RC(config-router)#neighbor route-reflector-client
B. RF(config)#router bgp 65201 RF(config-router)#neighbor route-reflector-client
C. RC(config)#router bgp 65201 RC(config-router)#neighbor route-reflector-client
D. RB(config)router bgp 65201 RB(config-router)#neighbor route-reflector-client
Refer to the exhibit. An engineer is trying to log in to R1 via R3 loopback address. Which action resolves the issue?
A. Add transport input SCP
B. Add transport input none
C. Remove the IPv6 traffic filter from R1, which is blocking the Telnet.
D. Remove the IPv6 traffic from R1, which is blocking the SSH
A customer is running an mGRE DMVPN tunnel over WAN infrastructure between hub and spoke sites. The existing configuration allows NHRP to add spoke routers automatically to the multicast NHRP mappings. The customer is migrated the network from IPv4 to the IPv6 addressing scheme for those spokes’ routers that support IPv6 and can run DMVPN tunnel over the IPv6 network. Which configuration must be applied to support IPv4 and IPv6 DMVPN tunnel on spoke routers?
A. Tunnel mode ipv6ip 6to4
B. Tunnel mode ipv6ip isatap
C. Tunnel mode ipv6ip auto-tunnel
D. Tunnel mode ipv6ip 6rd
IPv6 is enabled in the infrastructure to support customers with an IPv6 network over WAN and to connect the head office to branch offices in the local network. One of the customers is already running IPv6 and wants to enable IPv6 over the DMVPN network infrastructure between the headend and branch sites. Which configuration command must be applied to establish an mGRE IPv6 tunnel neighborship?
A. tunnel protection mode ipv6
B. ipv6 unicast-routing
C. ipv6 nhrp holdtime 30
D. tunnel mode gre multipoint ipv6
Which MPLS value is combined with the IP prefix to convert to a VPNv4 prefix?
A. 16-byte Route Distinguisher
B. 8-byte Route Target
C. 16-byte Route Target
D. 8-byte Route Distinguisher
Which two solutions are used to overcome a flapping link that causes a frequent label binding exchange between MPLS routers? (Choose two)
A. Create link dampening on links to protect the session.
B. Increase input queue on links to protect the session.
C. Create targeted hellos to protect the session.
D. Increase a hold-timer to protect the session.
E. Increase a session delay to protect the session.
What is a function of the IPv6 DHCP Guard feature for DHCP messages?
A. Only access lists are supported for matching traffic.
B. All client messages are always switched regardless of the device role.
C. It blocks only DHCP request messages.
D. If the device is configured as a DHCP server, no message is switched.
Which 0S1 model is used to insert an MPLS label?
A. between Layer 5 and Layer 6
B. between Layer 1 and Layer 2
C. between Layer 3 and Layer 4
D. between Layer 2 and Layer 3
What are the two prerequisites to enable BFD on Cisco routers? (Choose two)
A. A supported IP routing protocol must be configured on the participating routers.
B. OSPF Demand Circuit must run BFD on all participating routers.
C. ICMP must be allowed on all participating routers.
D. UDP port 1985 must be allowed on all participating routers.
E. Cisco Express Forwarding and IP Routing must be enabled on all participating routers.
Which mechanism provides traffic segmentation within a DMVPN network?
D. iPsec
An engineer received a ticket about a router that has reloaded. The monitoring system graphs show different traffic patterns between logical and physical interfaces when the router is rebooted. Which action resolves the issue?
A. Configure the snmp ifindex persist command globally.
B. Clear the logical interfaces with snmp ifindex clear command
C. Configure the snmp ifindex persist command on the physical interfaces.
D. Trigger a new snmpwalk from the monitoring system to synchronize interface OlDs